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1786 Results

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필터 재설정



1786 Results

~을 통해

필터 재설정

Five Reasons Why eBay Should Leave ALEC

블로그 게시물

Five Reasons Why eBay Should Leave ALEC

With major tech companies’ recent departure from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive corporate lobbying group, it’s a wonder why eBay remains a member. We’re asking them to leave – add your voice today!

Strong Support for the Open Internet in Texas – and Across the Land

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Strong Support for the Open Internet in Texas – and Across the Land

We all depend on our communications ecosystem, and we should all have a say in its future. The regulators making decisions that will shape how Americans connect and communicate for a generation ought to be listening to us.

겁쟁이 ISP를 바로 세우기

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겁쟁이 ISP를 바로 세우기

진정한 개방형 인터넷에 반대하는 사람들은 수백만 달러를 쏟아부어 당연한 규제 결정에 대한 논쟁을 수소폭탄 투하와 유사한 것으로 바꾸고 있습니다.

The Internet’s Future Is Now

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The Internet’s Future Is Now

So 2014 will pass into history without the FCC stepping up to the plate to ensure an Open Internet. Think the of the good history the Commission could have made for itself. Instead we got more delay and more uncertainty about whether Title II net neutrality will ever see the light of day.

지금을 위한 책

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지금을 위한 책

철학자 조지 산타야나는 "과거를 기억하지 못하는 사람은 그것을 반복할 운명이다"라고 말했습니다. 오래된 속담이지만 언제나 적절한 말입니다. 특히 오픈 인터넷의 운명을 결정하려는 연방통신위원회(FCC)에 특히 적절합니다.

오바마 대통령의 유권자 신분증에 대한 발언은 사실과 일치하지 않는다

블로그 게시물

오바마 대통령의 유권자 신분증에 대한 발언은 사실과 일치하지 않는다

대통령의 발언을 보면 유권자 신분증이 그렇게 부담스럽지 않은 것처럼 들리지만, 연구에 따르면 유권자 신분증 법은 여전히 수십만 명의 미국인에게 투표에 대한 큰 장애물로 남아 있습니다.

ALEC’s Corporate Sponsors Should Be Held Accountable For Forcing Taxpayers to Subsidize Their Lobbying

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ALEC’s Corporate Sponsors Should Be Held Accountable For Forcing Taxpayers to Subsidize Their Lobbying

Over the past few weeks, a parade of prominent corporations have cut or announced plans to cut their ties with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The exodus started because of ALEC’s promotion of model legislation that denies climate change science. Google Chairman Eric Schmidt said on NPR that Google’s funding of ALEC was “part of a political game” that became a “mistake” for the company because “[t]hey’re just literally lying” about the “facts of climate change.”

SCOTUS Allows Texas Voter ID To Go Forward

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SCOTUS Allows Texas Voter ID To Go Forward

SCOTUS lets Texas's voter ID go forward in spite of the trial court's finding that it was intentionally discriminatory and an unconstitutional poll tax.

시민연합, 광고 자금 공개 강요

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시민연합, 광고 자금 공개 강요

시티즌스 유나이티드는 옛날의 전략을 다시 사용했지만 이번에는 운이 따르지 않았습니다.



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