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1786 Results

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필터 재설정



1786 Results

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필터 재설정

Senate Rules Reform: The Aftermath

블로그 게시물

Senate Rules Reform: The Aftermath

Wondering what happened with filibuster reform? Here's the details:

Senate Approves Two Appointments to FEC

블로그 게시물

Senate Approves Two Appointments to FEC

The United State Senate approved two of President Barack Obama's nominees to the Federal Election Commission today restoring the panel's full line-up and giving the Commission fresh voices for the first time in years.

Seeing Issues Whole

블로그 게시물

Seeing Issues Whole

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) deals with a wide universe of issues.

Robocalls Spur Personal Attack by House Leader

블로그 게시물

Robocalls Spur Personal Attack by House Leader

House Majority Leader angrily replies to watchdog';s request for meaningful reform‘ In a surprising response to a‘letter‘sent to ethics committee conferees requesting consideration of‘amendments‘and informing members of advocacy calls to voters in their legislative districts, House Majority Leader Larry O';Neal … Continue reading



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