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1786 Results

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필터 재설정



1786 Results

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필터 재설정

Living History: First Person of Color to Lead Census Bureau Awaits Confirmation

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Living History: First Person of Color to Lead Census Bureau Awaits Confirmation

Need an example of how systemic racism works? Consider the fact that it is 2021 and Robert Santos is the first person of color ever nominated to lead the Census Bureau, the agency responsible for making sure every person counts. It's not overt racism, but given historic undercounts, why hasn't anyone thought to nominate someone who might be able to help reach hard to reach communities?

Small Businesses are Leading Efforts to Support the For the People Act

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Small Businesses are Leading Efforts to Support the For the People Act

The 2020 election cycle showcased an urgent need for comprehensive democracy and campaign finance reform as we battled voter suppression tactics and dark-money politics –amid a global pandemic– to exercise our right to vote. 

Disinformation Watch: Politicians Are Lying About the For the People Act

블로그 게시물

Disinformation Watch: Politicians Are Lying About the For the People Act

As we work to pass the For the People Act through the Senate, our opponents are going all out to spread lies about this important voting rights, campaign finance, and ethics bill.



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