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*전화번호를 제공하면 Common Cause에서 95559로 보내는 모바일 알림을 받는 데 동의하는 것입니다. 메시지 및 데이터 요금이 적용됩니다.


1786 Results

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필터 재설정



1786 Results

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필터 재설정

UPDATE: Citizens are United to defeat Citizens United in LA

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UPDATE: Citizens are United to defeat Citizens United in LA

The final vote to get this on the ballot is tomorrow "‘ Tuesday, January 29th! The city attorney has drafted language for the city council to vote on and it's exactly the type of model that we will want to promote to other cities across California and the entire country. We cannot emphasize enough how significant this will be for the movement if it's on the ballot.

Charles and the Rainbow

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Charles and the Rainbow

Celebration to honor the life of Charles Benton who passed away six months ago.

Getting Around Contribution Limits in California

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Getting Around Contribution Limits in California

The Sacramento Bee is reporting on the depressing, yet openly honest admission from a state Assembly Member who opened a new candidate campaign committee just to get around the contribution limits and raise money for other candidates. No joke!

CA Campaign Finance Data Set Free

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CA Campaign Finance Data Set Free

Today, California Secretary of State Debra Bowen announced her plans to make the raw data behind California's lobbyists and campaign finance database available, online, on one spreadsheet available to the public and updated daily. Secretary Bowen's announcement is a reversal from a position she has long held since Common Cause began asking for this disclosure in 2011.



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