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1786 Results

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필터 재설정



1786 Results

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필터 재설정

Tony Awards: Culture Looks Within, Leads Politics, as Both Must Reduce Barriers Blocking Women and People of Color

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Tony Awards: Culture Looks Within, Leads Politics, as Both Must Reduce Barriers Blocking Women and People of Color

Broadway's 73rd Annual Tony Awards did not disappoint. It was entertaining, thought-provoking, provided poignant social and political commentary, and in one of its most powerful moments, Tony Award winner for Best Director of a Musical Rachel Chavkin called out Broadway for not having more women or people of color nominated in her category -- a conversation that echoes our reflective democracy work.

Fairness at Stake in the 2020 Census: Understanding the Citizenship Question

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Fairness at Stake in the 2020 Census: Understanding the Citizenship Question

Adding a citizenship question to the 2020 Census will threaten its fairness and accuracy. The census means more than just a count of people living in the country. The data collected will be used to make many crucial decisions, ranging from the distribution of federal funds to local communities, to the drawing of congressional districts. For that reason, the outcome of the Census will affect every person residing in the United States.

Chris Hayes and Ari Berman are All In on Hofeller Papers

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Chris Hayes and Ari Berman are All In on Hofeller Papers

The unpacking of evidence from Thomas Hofeller's papers reveals more lies by the North Carolina GOP and how those lies allowed them to continue minority-rule in the state legislature.

Newsmax: Conservative Columnist Evolves on Public Financing

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Newsmax: Conservative Columnist Evolves on Public Financing

It took 40 years, but conservative columnist Paul DeLespinasse of Corvallis, Oregon, evolves on public financing and Common Cause. Democracy Wire welcomes the author to the right side of history and adds our thanks to Newsmax where this piece was first published.

Broadway’s Atticus Finch: Jeff Daniels Breaks Down Race, Politics, Trump

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Broadway’s Atticus Finch: Jeff Daniels Breaks Down Race, Politics, Trump

Culture often leads politics and the theatre once again reflects uncomfortable truths with Harper Lee's classic, To Kill A Mockingbird starring Jeff Daniels. If you cannot watch the full nine-minute interview then skip to 6:38 and watch the final portion.

Undermining Journalism Serves Trumps Narrow Legal and Political Goals; Apparently the First Amendment Isn’t Too High a Price for Him to Pay

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Undermining Journalism Serves Trumps Narrow Legal and Political Goals; Apparently the First Amendment Isn’t Too High a Price for Him to Pay

Despite Trump’s attempts to distract the public and control the narrative by waging a war on the media, we simply cannot ignore the dangerous precedent he is setting for the role of the free press in our democracy. By dismissing credible reporting, painting news outlets as a threat, and even endangering the lives of journalists, he’s constantly undermining the free and independent press as one of our core democratic institutions. An informed, engaged public is vital to a functioning democracy. Journalists play a critical role in holding...

California Terminated Gerrymandering. The U.S. Supreme Court Should Too.  

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California Terminated Gerrymandering. The U.S. Supreme Court Should Too.  

Redistricting reform is not a Democratic issue or a Republican issue.  It’s a fight that people of all political stripes are rallying behind.  And it’s time for the Supreme Court to say “Hasta la vista, gerrymandering.”

Podcast: Tierra Bradford Talks Voting Rights Restoration with Bill Blum

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Podcast: Tierra Bradford Talks Voting Rights Restoration with Bill Blum

The history of denying incarcerated people the right to vote is rooted in the history of African American voter suppression. And while restoring that right is gaining traction in the 2020 campaign, Tierra Bradford says many Democratic hopefuls still don’t get the point.



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