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1786 Results

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1786 Results

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필터 재설정

We Can Be Better: Americans Must Repudiate Politics of Hate

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We Can Be Better: Americans Must Repudiate Politics of Hate

We call on all Americans to repudiate this political hate in each and every conversation with family, friend, and colleagues. We cannot ignore the racist and intolerant invective we see in politics, repeated by some news commentators, and flourishing online. Our own president needs to repudiate this hate speech and own his own very significant contributions to setting the tone that makes people think it is okay to vilify and attack politicians, judges, reporters and others who they don’t agree with.

Video: Florida’s Chance to Make Right What History Got Wrong in November

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Video: Florida’s Chance to Make Right What History Got Wrong in November

From the New York Times an Opinion Video supporting the movement to restore the rights of formerly incarcerated citizens who have paid their debt to society and deserve a say in the future.

Common Cause Maryland: Accessible and Secure Voting Includes Election Day Registration

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Common Cause Maryland: Accessible and Secure Voting Includes Election Day Registration

Common Cause Maryland is making sure that every eligible voter who wants to vote can do so with Election Day Registration. Why should your voice or mine be left out? We should all have a say in the future for our family and community and we can do that in making sure our elections are secure and accessible.

Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross Lies About Census 2020 Citizenship Question

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Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross Lies About Census 2020 Citizenship Question

After a recent deposition, it appears Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross lied to Congress about the controversial "citizenship question" the Trump Administration wants to add to the 2020 Census.

We the People Will Not Allow ALEC to Undermine Our Democracy

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We the People Will Not Allow ALEC to Undermine Our Democracy

Join Common Cause and our allies tonight outside of the Trump International Hotel when ALEC's corporate lobbyists will be strolling into the gala. Please sign up to attend at the links below and urge others to come by sharing on your social media networks.

Help Welcome Formerly Incarcerated Individuals Back to the Voting Booth

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Help Welcome Formerly Incarcerated Individuals Back to the Voting Booth

Many formerly incarcerated people can vote, but they don't know it. Giving people returning to our communities a say in their future helps to distance them from the past. Common Cause proudly joins the Campaign Legal Center in an effort to register 25,000 people who are eligible to vote -- join us in creating hope in the future and imagine the moment when the people you help register put on an "I voted" sticker for the first time.

The Purges: A Cautionary Tale for National Voter Registration Day

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The Purges: A Cautionary Tale for National Voter Registration Day

Today is National Voter Registration Day and Common Cause makes it easy to verify your vote and register if you need to. Even if you don't need to, here is why you should, and why you should share this Democracy Wire post on Facebook and Twitter urging your friends to do the same.

민주주의 다운로드: 2018년 9월 24일 주

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민주주의 다운로드: 2018년 9월 24일 주

Democracy Download는 이념적 스펙트럼 전반에 걸쳐 민주주의 관련 이벤트를 2주마다 요약해서 보여주는 사이트입니다.

Games Congress Plays: The Judge Kavanuagh Edition

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Games Congress Plays: The Judge Kavanuagh Edition

Guest columnist and Common Cause Massachusetts volunteer Martin Evans gives us another perspective on the Kavanaugh nomination. This column was first published in Wicked Local, Cambridge MA.



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