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1786 Results

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필터 재설정



1786 Results

~을 통해

필터 재설정

Connecting the Dots

블로그 게시물

Connecting the Dots

The president and his allies are running what looks like a cover-up

Common Cause, Allies, Want Nunes Barred from Russia Probe

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Common Cause, Allies, Want Nunes Barred from Russia Probe

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-CA, must surrender any role in the committee’s investigation, Common Cause and 15 other organizations and individuals said today.

“Art of the Lie” Details Trump’s Assault on Honesty, Integrity

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“Art of the Lie” Details Trump’s Assault on Honesty, Integrity

A report released this morning by Common Cause and Democracy 21 paints a blistering portrait of President Trump and his first year in the White House – all in his own words and/or actions.

Citizens, Congress Must Stand Up for Mueller Probe

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Citizens, Congress Must Stand Up for Mueller Probe

White House Counsel Don McGahn apparently stopped President Trump from firing Robert Mueller last summer; now it’s time for citizen action and members of Congress to make sure Trump doesn’t try it again.

DC Citizens On the Verge of Major Campaign Finance Reform

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DC Citizens On the Verge of Major Campaign Finance Reform

A citizens’ movement has brought the city government in our nation’s capital to the verge of implementing a tested-and-proven-effective way of breaking the power of big money in politics and getting candidates to focus their attention on public, not private interests.

A Timely Pair of Reminders About People Power in America

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A Timely Pair of Reminders About People Power in America

Two very different stories this week, both involving young people, are reminders of the power each of us holds in the First Amendment and its guarantees of free speech and freedom of the press.

Politicizing the FBI

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Politicizing the FBI

President Trump apparently just can’t stop trying to politicize the FBI.

PA High Court Joins Movement for Fair Districts

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PA High Court Joins Movement for Fair Districts

It’s increasingly clear that courts across the country are ready to declare that partisan gerrymandering is unconstitutional and insist that political maps that allow voters to choose our elected officials, not permit officials to choose their voters.



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