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1786 Results

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필터 재설정



1786 Results

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필터 재설정

Election Protection Hotline Open To Assist Alabamians

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Election Protection Hotline Open To Assist Alabamians

If you live in Alabama or have friends and/or relatives there, please take a minute to copy this phone number and share it today with any Alabamian who is registered to vote: 866OURVOTE

Redistricting Reform Gaining Steam Across the Country

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Redistricting Reform Gaining Steam Across the Country

Republicans had stunning success after the 2010 Tea Party wave election tilting the rules of our election processes in their favor. But there are a number of reasons to think that the times may be changing.

Study: Trump Is Dividing Americans

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Study: Trump Is Dividing Americans

Nearly half of Americans say President Trump’s policies pose a greater threat to the nation than those of either major political party, according to a national poll released last week.

‘Bama Voters Sue to Preserve Senate Ballot Records

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‘Bama Voters Sue to Preserve Senate Ballot Records

Four Alabama voters have filed suit to force election officials to preserve digital records of the votes to be cast in Tuesday’s hotly-contested special election for the U.S. Senate.

A New Push for Release of Congress’ Harassment Claims

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A New Push for Release of Congress’ Harassment Claims

A tip of the hat this morning to U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, who is risking the ire of his colleagues by requesting and promising to release closely-held records about the way Congress deals with sexual harassment claims against lawmakers and their staffs.

ALEC Honoree Arrested Packing Handgun At Denver Airport

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ALEC Honoree Arrested Packing Handgun At Denver Airport

A not-so-funny thing happened to Colorado State Rep. Lori Saine late Tuesday as she prepared to fly from Denver to the annual meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in Nashville.

Can They Hear You Now?

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Can They Hear You Now?

Thousands of Americans are heading to Verizon stores across the country today to protest its efforts to gain control of what they can see and hear on the internet.

Planned Voter Database Would Invite Cyberattack, Security Experts Warn

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Planned Voter Database Would Invite Cyberattack, Security Experts Warn

A group of technology experts and national security officials are sounding an alarm over a presidential commission's effort to build a national voter information database

House Set to Deliver Another Plum to the NRA

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House Set to Deliver Another Plum to the NRA

With a $60 million nudge from the gun lobby, the House is about to relax gun laws -- again.

Mueller Probe Flirts with Trump’s ‘Red Line’

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Mueller Probe Flirts with Trump’s ‘Red Line’

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election now appears to include an examination of President Trump’s dealings with Germany’s largest bank.

‘You Better Watch Out’

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‘You Better Watch Out’

Bruuuce! AKA Jimmy Fallon, has a holiday message for the president

Is the President Above the Law?

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Is the President Above the Law?

Trump's Lawyer Says He Can't Be Guilty of Obstructing Justice



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