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1786 Results

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필터 재설정



1786 Results

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필터 재설정

Repeal of the Johnson Amendment Would Be A Sin

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Repeal of the Johnson Amendment Would Be A Sin

As part of the debate over “tax reform,” Congress is toying with legislation that would invite unholy alliances between religion and politics.

What Will Trump Do Now?

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What Will Trump Do Now?

Even more than every other day of the Trump presidency, this is a day for vigilance.

Republicans May Get Green Light To Resume “Ballot Security” Efforts

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Republicans May Get Green Light To Resume “Ballot Security” Efforts

A federal judge apparently is on the verge of lifting a decades-old order that blocked the Republican National Committee from a variety of “poll watching” activities that worked to intimidate legally-qualified voters.

Kobach Hit With Conflict of Interest Charge

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Kobach Hit With Conflict of Interest Charge

There’s more trouble this week – self-inflicted – for President Trump’s fraudulent “voter fraud” commission.

Court Declines to Overturn Campaign Contribution Caps

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Court Declines to Overturn Campaign Contribution Caps

A federal appeals court today unanimously upheld longstanding limits on how much each donor can contribute to a House or Senate candidate

Congress Under Pressure to Disclose Harassment Settlements

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Congress Under Pressure to Disclose Harassment Settlements

Amid mushrooming evidence of sexual misconduct by lawmakers there's growing bipartisan support for releasing the names of senators and congressmen who’ve settled sexual harassment complaints.

Anonymous Donor Footed Most of the Bill For Gorsuch Confirmation

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Anonymous Donor Footed Most of the Bill For Gorsuch Confirmation

A single, anonymous donor provided nearly $28.5 million last year to help support the campaign behind the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Net Neutrality Is On the Chopping Block

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Net Neutrality Is On the Chopping Block

If Ajit Pai, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission gets his way, some of your favorite websites may be slowed to a crawl or even blocked entirely by your internet provider.

'두 계층의 사회'

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'두 계층의 사회'

23년 전, 노동부 장관이자 Common Cause National 의장인 로버트 라이히는 우리 민주주의에 다가오는 위협에 대해 경고했습니다.



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