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1786 Results

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필터 재설정



1786 Results

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필터 재설정

Trump’s DACA Plan Grounded in Dubious Legal Claims

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Trump’s DACA Plan Grounded in Dubious Legal Claims

President Trump’s threat to deport about 800,000 young immigrants, many attending U.S. schools, holding jobs, and paying taxes, is based on legally dubious claims that an Obama-era executive order granting them “lawful presence” in the U.S. exceeded the then-president’s authority.

Common Cause Presses FEC, Justice Department to Act on Facebook Ads

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Common Cause Presses FEC, Justice Department to Act on Facebook Ads

Citing evidence that Russian internet “trolls” placed political ads on Facebook last year, Common Cause today urged the Justice Department and the Federal Election Commission to investigate and take legal action against those responsible for the messages.

Trump’s ‘Election Integrity’ Panel “Flawed From the Start”

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Trump’s ‘Election Integrity’ Panel “Flawed From the Start”

A report released today by Common Cause makes a powerful case that President Trump’s “election integrity” commission is a sham, rigged to exploit public fears about a voter fraud epidemic that exists only in the minds of the president and his hardcore supporters.

Common Cause Sues New York State to End Voter Purges

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Common Cause Sues New York State to End Voter Purges

New York State has improperly deactivated the voter registrations of tens of thousands of qualified voters simply because for several years they’ve chosen not to cast ballots, Common Cause New York charges in a lawsuit filed today.

Blockbuster Coalition Looks to Bust Partisan Gerrymandering

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Blockbuster Coalition Looks to Bust Partisan Gerrymandering

An unprecedented cadre of political leaders and good government groups, including Common Cause, has joined forces to ask the Supreme Court to outlaw partisan gerrymandering.

Indiana’s Largest County Clamps Down on Early Voting

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Indiana’s Largest County Clamps Down on Early Voting

While early voting expands in mostly white, Republican suburbs, voting gets more difficult in Democrat-dominated, largely black Indianapolis.

An Ounce of Prevention – Missed

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An Ounce of Prevention – Missed

Fearful they would be accused of attempting to sway the presidential election, Obama administration officials last year shut down plans to share a list of cybersecurity precautions with state election officials responsible for protecting voting machines and databases.

Breaking News: Common Cause Challenge to Partisan Gerrymandering Headed to Trial

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Breaking News: Common Cause Challenge to Partisan Gerrymandering Headed to Trial

A panel of federal judges ruled Tuesday afternoon that the case of Common Cause v. Rucho can proceed to trial, denying a request by lawyers for the state legislature to delay the lawsuit. The case challenges partisan gerrymandering in North Carolina.

Trump Slaps Minorities With Plan to Give Police Military Gear

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Trump Slaps Minorities With Plan to Give Police Military Gear

His pardon last week of Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio gave police across America a new license to lock up Latinos; now President Trump wants to arm the cops with weapons and equipment designed to make war rather than keep the peace.

플로리다 의원, 뮬러 수사 중단 검토

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플로리다 의원, 뮬러 수사 중단 검토

미국 하원의원 론 데산티스(Ron DeSantis, R-FL)는 의회가 로버트 뮬러 특별검사가 트럼프 캠프가 2016년 선거에 러시아가 개입한 가능성에 대한 조사를 위한 자금 지원을 중단하기를 원합니다.

‘Our Boy Can Become President’

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‘Our Boy Can Become President’

President Trump has made a point of declaring that he and his companies have no business in Russia, but news stories today indicate that it's not for lack of effort.

Automatic Registration Comes to Illinois

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Automatic Registration Comes to Illinois

There’s good news today from Illinois, where Gov. Bruce Rauner has signed a bill to provide automatic voter registration (AVR) to qualified residents when they do business with state agencies.



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