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1786 Results

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필터 재설정



1786 Results

~을 통해

필터 재설정

Suit Revives Concerns About Georgia Election Systems

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Suit Revives Concerns About Georgia Election Systems

A lawsuit against the Georgia Election Board is reviving concerns about vulnerabilities in the state’s voting systems and could lead to a third round of voting in the state’s hotly-contested 6th Congressional District.

Lots of People, Not Enough Money to Count Them

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Lots of People, Not Enough Money to Count Them

Two former directors of the Census Bureau, with experience serving Democratic and Republican presidents, are sounding an important warning today about the Trump administration’s preparations to count the nation’s population in 2020.

‘He Is Just Always Focused On Russia’

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‘He Is Just Always Focused On Russia’

President Trump is working the phones to undercut Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 US election.

Bullheaded Longhorns

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Bullheaded Longhorns

A federal judge ripped Texas lawmakers and by extension the Trump administration on Wednesday for continued efforts to stop millions of Texans from voting.

Kobach’s Kansas Office Disqualified Alarming Number of Voters

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Kobach’s Kansas Office Disqualified Alarming Number of Voters

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, co-chairman of President Trump’s “election integrity” commission and arguably the nation’s most aggressive advocate of restricting voting rights, oversaw the disqualification of an alarming number of ballots last year in his home state, reports the Associated Press.

Report Finds States, Localities, Slow to Address Threat of Cyberattacks

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Report Finds States, Localities, Slow to Address Threat of Cyberattacks

A report today from NBC News provides a troubling reminder of how much work state and local election officials have to do to protect voting and voter registration systems against the kind of cyberespionage that marked the 2016 election.

Texas-sized Mistake

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Texas-sized Mistake

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has decided to carry the state’s fight for racial gerrymandering to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Courts Weighing Challenges to Sensible Control of Political Money

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Courts Weighing Challenges to Sensible Control of Political Money

A pair of lawsuits making their way through the courts in Alaska and New York State have important implications for efforts to rein in the power of big money in American politics.

또 다른 놓친 기회

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또 다른 놓친 기회

노스캐롤라이나 의원들은 이번 달에 새로운 입법 투표 구역을 획정하기 위한 공정하고 비당파적인 기준을 채택할 황금 같은 기회를 가졌습니다. 대신 그들은 평소와 같은 정치를 선택했고, 심하게 결함이 있는 재구획 과정의 핵심에 당파성을 유지했습니다.

'선거 공정성' 위원회, 선거 해킹에 무관심한 듯

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'선거 공정성' 위원회, 선거 해킹에 무관심한 듯

Mother Jones는 주말에 트럼프 대통령의 선거 공정성 위원회에 전자 해커로부터 중요한 투표 및 유권자 등록 시스템을 보호하려는 노력에 반대하는 주 선거 관리자들이 많이 있다고 보도했습니다.

Sinclair-Tribune 거래가 지역 미디어 시장에서 큰 화제

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Sinclair-Tribune 거래가 지역 미디어 시장에서 큰 화제

현재 뉴스 미디어의 통합과 동질화가 급증하는 상황에서, 싱클레어-트리뷴의 합병 제안은 지금까지 가장 놀라운 일일 수 있습니다.



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