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1786 Results

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필터 재설정



1786 Results

~을 통해

필터 재설정

Waist Deep (At Least) and Still Sinking

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Waist Deep (At Least) and Still Sinking

The swamp that candidate Donald Trump promised to drain is getting deeper six months into President Trump’s administration.

Hackers Demonstrate Election Vulnerabilities

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Hackers Demonstrate Election Vulnerabilities

In a matter of minutes over the weekend, a band of self-styled computer nerds demonstrated how voting machines similar to those used in hundreds of precincts across the U.S. can be manipulated to produce wildly inaccurate vote totals.

Thinking About De-registering? Don’t Do It!

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Thinking About De-registering? Don’t Do It!

Not even President Trump’s most fervent admirers take seriously the president’s claim that up to 5 million people cast illegal ballots last fall.

Kobach Pays $1K for Misleading Federal Judge

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Kobach Pays $1K for Misleading Federal Judge

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, whose deceptive public statements about voter fraud appear to be part of a strategy to advance his political career, is finding that deception doesn’t work so well when it’s directed at federal judges.

Fair Elections Now Introduced in Senate

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Fair Elections Now Introduced in Senate

Wednesday’s introduction of the Fair Elections Now Act deserves a tip of the hat to sponsoring Sen. Dick Durbin, D-IL, and his 23 co-sponsors for continuing to stand up for a good idea.

Kochs Plan Massive Campaign for Business Tax Cuts

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Kochs Plan Massive Campaign for Business Tax Cuts

The Koch brothers invested $260 million – more or less – to elect a Congress that will do their bidding; now they and their ultra-wealthy network of business leaders are putting millions more into a “grassroots” lobbying campaign aimed at making their investment pay off in a massive business tax cut.

California On Path to Stronger Disclosure of Campaign Money

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California On Path to Stronger Disclosure of Campaign Money

Even in California, where strong state campaign finance laws set an example for the nation, it’s not that easy to see who is bankrolling political candidates or initiatives.

An Eloquent Plea; A Flawed Vote

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An Eloquent Plea; A Flawed Vote

Diagnosed with a brain tumor last week, John McCain returned to the Senate on Tuesday with his perspective on his life and service there sharpened by that confrontation with his own mortality.

In Their Own Words

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In Their Own Words

STEVE LIPSCOMB AND MIRANDA VISCOLI recently opened their home to Common Cause New Mexico members.

Member Responds to Growing Need in a Big Way

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Member Responds to Growing Need in a Big Way

He’s one of your fellow Common Cause members. And he just came through for us all in a very big way.



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