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1786 Results

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필터 재설정



1786 Results

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필터 재설정

Texas Back-Step

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Texas Back-Step

There’s unsettling news from the Lone Star State today; after fighting for years to overturn Texas’ vote suppressing voter identification law, the Justice Department has filed a legal brief supporting and urging a judge to uphold the state’s revised ID requirements.

Sleeveless in the House? Speaker Ryan Says No

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Sleeveless in the House? Speaker Ryan Says No

As Americans celebrated our independence this week, a small but important slice of the nation’s leadership was fixated on sleeveless dresses and open-toed shoes and whether women working in w “the people’s house” should be permitted to wear them on the job.

Walter Shaub, Federal Government’s Ethics Watchdog, Is Moving On

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Walter Shaub, Federal Government’s Ethics Watchdog, Is Moving On

President Trump has paid little attention to federal ethics requirements since he took office and starting today – unfortunately - he’ll probably pay even less.

President Trump’s (Physical) Assault on the Press

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President Trump’s (Physical) Assault on the Press

President Trump is continuing and arguably intensifying his Twitter tirade on journalism, threatening the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of the press in the process.

Rhode Island Set to Adopt Automatic Voter Registration

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Rhode Island Set to Adopt Automatic Voter Registration

It went mostly unnoticed as Americans took off on Friday for an extended holiday weekend, but Rhode Island is about to become the ninth state to automatically add to its voter rolls qualified citizens who do business with state agencies.

A Welcome Assertion of States’ Rights

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A Welcome Assertion of States’ Rights

In the past week, as the Trump administration has sought an array of personal information about voters from state government databases, a bipartisan and nationwide assortment of state officials has undertaken a welcome and very constitutional defense of states’ rights to resist federal overreach.

Taking Stock on the 4th

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Taking Stock on the 4th

The 2016 election showed clearly that Russia has the will and the ability to manipulate critical U.S. electoral and governmental systems. Russia’s actions have shown the world that the U.S. government is no longer independent from foreign exploitation.

California Common Cause, Allies, Urge Court to Uphold Public Financing

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California Common Cause, Allies, Urge Court to Uphold Public Financing

In a post-Citizens United age, when corporations and interest groups can spend whatever they like to influence our elections, it’s more important than ever that we make sure that every American can be heard.

New Report Details Path to Protecting Future Elections

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New Report Details Path to Protecting Future Elections

As vital as it is that Americans get to the bottom of Russia's unprecedented attack on our democracy, a report issued this week by the Brennan Center for Justice suggests that future celebrations of our independence could depend on federal and state government action to thwart future electoral assaults.

Gallego Sits Down With the Interns

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Gallego Sits Down With the Interns

U.S. Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-AZ, opened his office to the seven Common Cause national staff summer interns last week. We discussed a wide array of subjects, from congressional procedure and national elections to Arizona state politics.

Voting Rights Remain Far From Secure

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Voting Rights Remain Far From Secure

Advancing voting rights, once a bipartisan objective, has fallen victim to intense partisan gridlock following the Supreme Court’s 2013 decision in Shelby County v. Holder, a ruling that effectively gutted the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA).

다양한 종류의 산업, 동일한 종류의 지출

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다양한 종류의 산업, 동일한 종류의 지출

Common Cause Maryland(CCMD)는 오늘 2017년 메릴랜드 주의회에서 새로운 고용주와 산업이 주요 로비 세력으로 등장했다고 보고했습니다.



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