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1786 Results

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필터 재설정



1786 Results

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필터 재설정

FBI Put Trump Adviser Under Surveillance Over Possible Russia Ties

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FBI Put Trump Adviser Under Surveillance Over Possible Russia Ties

Bombs dropped on and missiles fired into Syria, plus rising tensions over North Korea’s possible development of nuclear weapons, are shifting public attention from the continuing investigations of possible ties between the Russian government and the Trump for President campaign. But the investigations continue

A New Strategy on Transparency for Trump

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A New Strategy on Transparency for Trump

As progressive activists across the country, including many recruited by Common Cause, gear up for “Tax Day” marches on Saturday to pressure President Trump to release his federal income tax returns, a University of Chicago law professor is pushing a new strategy to force the president’s hand.

Last Week Tonight Tackles Redistricting

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Last Week Tonight Tackles Redistricting

John Oliver and the team from Last Week Tonight did a hilarious, informative, and occasionally crude piece on gerrymandering on Sunday.

Governator Talks Gerrymandering Solutions

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Governator Talks Gerrymandering Solutions

Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger discussed how we can end gerrymandering on The Messy Truth with Van Jones last week.

Finding Common Ground on Democracy’s Future

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Finding Common Ground on Democracy’s Future

Common Cause national chair Robert Reich and Weekly Standard publisher Bill Kristol are longtime leaders on the left and right, respectively, of American politics. But they found plenty to agree on during a March 14 forum at Common Cause’s Washington D.C. office.

Nunes Quits House Committee’s Russia Probe

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Nunes Quits House Committee’s Russia Probe

House Intelligence Committee chair Devin Nunes, R-CA, this morning surrendered leadership of the committee’s investigation of Russia’s involvement in last year’s election.

LA Times Puts Trump Under the Microscope

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LA Times Puts Trump Under the Microscope

The Los Angeles Times is publishing an extraordinary series of editorials this week examining the Trump administration and the threats the paper’s editors believe it poses to our democracy.

Court Blocks Partisan, Racially-tinged Gerrymandering in Greensboro, NC

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Court Blocks Partisan, Racially-tinged Gerrymandering in Greensboro, NC

In a massive win for Greensboro, N.C. and its voters, a federal judge ruled Monday that city council districts drawn by the North Carolina state legislature in 2015 unconstitutionally discriminated against African-Americans and Democratic Party voters.

New Evidence That Trump’s ‘Blind Trust’ Is A Sham

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New Evidence That Trump’s ‘Blind Trust’ Is A Sham

President Trump’s promise to put his far-flung business empire in a blind trust, the better to ensure that his personal financial interests could never conflict with his obligation to serve the public interest, turns out to have been fake news. Bigly.

고서치 지명은 역사적 대립으로 이동

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고서치 지명은 역사적 대립으로 이동

대법원 임명은 수십 년에 걸쳐 반향을 일으킵니다. 하지만 트럼프 대통령이 대법원 판사로 선택한 닐 고서치 판사는 판사석에 앉기도 전에 큰 영향을 미칠 가능성이 큽니다.



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