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1786 Results

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1786 Results

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필터 재설정

Groups Intensify Push to Defeat Sessions Nomination

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Groups Intensify Push to Defeat Sessions Nomination

Common Cause and allied organizations are delivering petitions to senators today urging the defeat of Sen. Jeff Sessions nomination for attorney general

January 24th #StopSessions Petition Deliveries

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January 24th #StopSessions Petition Deliveries

Today, Common Cause activists in a dozen states are delivering petitions urging their U.S. Senators to vote against the nomination of Sen. Jefferson Beauregard “Jeff” Sessions III (R-AL) to serve as U.S. Attorney General.

Americans Concerned About Trump’s Ethics as Inauguration Approaches

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Americans Concerned About Trump’s Ethics as Inauguration Approaches

As President-elect Trump prepares to take office, new polls show the public is uneasy about his ethics and about three-fourths of Americans want him to release his tax returns

Trump and the Media; A Test for Democracy

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Trump and the Media; A Test for Democracy

Donald Trump's presidency will challenge the First Amendment and the journalists who labor under its protection.

Sessions Hearings Open

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Sessions Hearings Open

Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama is testifying in the Senate Judiciary Committee

Common Cause 2016 Year-end Report: Win and Keep Winning

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Common Cause 2016 Year-end Report: Win and Keep Winning

The 2016 election, no matter your political perspective, had twists and turns that continue to provide shocks, and real challenges to our democracy. At Common Cause, as we look over 2016 for lessons learned and prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead, our motivating thought is to, “Win and keep winning.” That’s what we did in 2016 thanks to your support. You are an integral part of each and every victory outlined in this year-end review – and that’s just a sampling. Thank you for standing up for...

Trump Conflicts of Interest May Violate Emoluments Clause

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Trump Conflicts of Interest May Violate Emoluments Clause

Bush and Obama Attorneys are warning that Emoluments Clause violations are unavoidable if President-elect Donald Trump does not divest of his assets and create a true blind trust prior to taking office. The memo is written by Richard Painter and Norman Eisen White House Ethics Czars from the Administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama and noted constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe.



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