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1786 Results

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Democracy On The Ballot In 2016

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Democracy On The Ballot In 2016

From coast to coast, voters have an opportunity this fall to vote on and approve reforms that help create a democracy that works for everyone. From Rhode Island to California, democracy reform is on the ballot. Common Cause is leading many of these initiatives that aim to #FightBigMoney and create a government truly of, by, and for the people.

202 Days Later, why hasn’t the Senate #DoYourJob?

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202 Days Later, why hasn’t the Senate #DoYourJob?

The Supreme Court convened on Monday for a new term with an old problem: 202 days after President Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy left by the death last February of Justice Antonin Scalia, the seat remains open and the court remains evenly split between “liberal” and “conservative” factions.

Gerrymander Gazette | October 4, 2016

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Gerrymander Gazette | October 4, 2016

We have redistricting litigation developments in North Carolina, Virginia, and Illinois in addition to a big prison gerrymandering decision out of Rhode Island. A significant win in California could bring reform to counties and cities across the state and a new campaign in Pennsylvania seeks to get candidates’ views about gerrymandering on the record. Here’s what’s happening around the country.

Let’s say it again: Voter fraud is not the problem

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Let’s say it again: Voter fraud is not the problem

The November election will be the first in 50 years conducted without the full protection of the Voting Rights Act, a development that heightens the importance of volunteer efforts to see that every voter has convenient, unobstructed access to the ballot. But with Election Day just five weeks away, some political leaders are stoking unfounded fears about voter fraud and recruiting volunteers bent on suppressing rather than boosting turnout.

Leading Women: New Leaders, New Solutions for a 21st Century Democracy

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Leading Women: New Leaders, New Solutions for a 21st Century Democracy

Americans are coming together and seeking solutions to some of the most intractable problems facing our democracy. A growing number of women have taken the lead at democracy reform organizations that are setting the tone for the next major wave of reforms. Their efforts are modernizing our political system and creating a 21st century democracy that works for us all. Common Cause and allies held a discussion featuring several of the democracy movement's leading women, including Common Cause's recently-named President, Karen Hobert Flynn, to...

Should we ban the selfie at the ballot box?

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Should we ban the selfie at the ballot box?

A federal appeals court has cleared New Hampshire voters to take selfies with their completed ballots on Election Day. The three-judge panel in Boston upheld a lower court ruling that found the 2014 state law banning the practice unconstitutional.

Sheldon Adelson gets what he paid for

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Sheldon Adelson gets what he paid for

Americans like to think our government represents all of us, but sometimes in American politics, you get what you pay for.

Celebrating National Voter Registration Day

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Celebrating National Voter Registration Day

With only 41 days left until Nov. 8, Election Day, it is essential to act quickly to include all eligible voters in the political process

Enterprise Leaves ALEC!

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Enterprise Leaves ALEC!

Good news. Car rental giant Enterprise announced Wednesday that it has left the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a secretive corporate lobbying group that masquerades as a charity.

Tuning In & Turning Out

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Tuning In & Turning Out

From the Occupy Movement to Black Lives Matter and the strong support thousands of us gave to Sen. Bernie Sanders, it’s clear that the Millennial generation is tuned into politics.

Sen. Karen Peterson to Receive John Gardner Lifetime Achievement Award from Common Cause Delaware

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Sen. Karen Peterson to Receive John Gardner Lifetime Achievement Award from Common Cause Delaware

Common Cause Delaware is pleased to announce that the 2016 John Gardner Lifetime Achievement award goes to Sen. Karen Peterson with gratitude for her lifetime of public service and her strong support for the democracy reform agenda in Delaware – where she supported voting rights, increased transparency, independent redistricting reform, and legal equality for all, among other things.

How to Truly Protect the Vote

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How to Truly Protect the Vote

Election Day, every school kid learns, is the one day when we are all truly equal and when we come together to make decisions that impact the whole country.



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