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1786 Results

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필터 재설정



1786 Results

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필터 재설정

Internet Voting: It seems too good to be true, and it is

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Internet Voting: It seems too good to be true, and it is

In less than one generation, the internet has become as central to American life as the automobile, the telephone and the television. We spend time with friends online, we shop online, we even file our taxes and manage our banking online. Why not vote online?

Triumphs and Challenges for Early Voting

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Triumphs and Challenges for Early Voting

You’re a US citizen, you’re 18 years old or older, you’re registered and ready to vote. But what if November comes around and you have work or class on Election Day? What if you can’t wait hours in the long lines you’ve found at your precinct in the past?

Murphy’s filibuster a win against big money

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Murphy’s filibuster a win against big money

The national debate over gun control took center stage at the US Senate last week when Senator Chris Murphy, D-CT, and allies staged a 15-hour filibuster to force action on gun control legislation. The talk-a-thon ended only when the Senate agreed to hold votes on legislation banning gun sales to individuals on the government’s terrorist watch list and on expanding background checks.

A Big Win For Kansas Voters

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A Big Win For Kansas Voters

More than 18,000 Kansans whose voter registration applications have been stuck in limbo should be registered to vote in time for the November election.

Historic Win for Net Neutrality

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Historic Win for Net Neutrality

In a historic win for the fight to protect online free speech and digital organizing, a federal appeals court upheld the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality rules this morning. The rules protect consumers by requiring internet service providers to treat all online traffic equally, keeping the web accessible to all.

Together we are not powerless; no situation is hopeless

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Together we are not powerless; no situation is hopeless

I grew up in Orlando. It was extremely upsetting to wake up to the news yesterday. When your friends, one by one, have to report on social media that they are safe… somehow it doesn’t feel safe at all.

Tweet Video @POTUS: It’s Time to Sign, Strike a Blow Against Citizens United

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Tweet Video @POTUS: It’s Time to Sign, Strike a Blow Against Citizens United

Every American has a right to know that the companies doing business with our government aren’t gaming the system by spending huge amounts of money in politics to help them secure huge government contracts.

8 Justices is not Enough

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8 Justices is not Enough

Americans depend on the Supreme Court to address the most important and most complicated questions about our laws, and the justices have plenty of those on their calendar this term, with cases ranging from voting rights to abortion to campaign finance.

Gerrymander Gazette – June 3, 2016

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Gerrymander Gazette – June 3, 2016

Legislators’ revenge in Arizona and New Jersey, an invitation to sue in North Carolina, and great progress on reform in Illinois and Virginia make it clear that this will not be a quiet summer on the redistricting front. Let’s see how things are looking.

Stanford rape case exposes broken judicial system

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Stanford rape case exposes broken judicial system

Amid the nationwide outcry over the light sentence Santa Clara (CA) Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky imposed last week on a former Stanford University swimmer convicted of sexual assault, the judicial election process that put Persky on the bench and is helping him stay there has gone all but unnoticed.

Did Trump’s money kill state probes?

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Did Trump’s money kill state probes?

The media are abuzz this week with reports that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump may have used campaign donations to influence multiple state attorneys general to drop investigations into his now-defunct Trump University.

말하지 않은 이야기도 중요합니다

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말하지 않은 이야기도 중요합니다

당신이 기자라고 가정해 보세요(만약 당신이 정말 기자라면, 그건 무시하고 어쨌든 읽어보세요) 그리고 누군가가 전화를 걸어와서 "독자/청취자들이 알고 싶어할 만한 적절하고 시기적절한 기사가 있습니다. 망가진 거액 선거 캠페인을 정리하는 데 도움을 줄 권한과 책임이 있는 정부 기관이 있는데, 그 기관은 제 역할을 하지 않으려고 합니다."라고 말합니다. 설명해 드리겠습니다.



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