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1786 Results

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필터 재설정



1786 Results

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필터 재설정

We need Independent Redistricting Reform in Delaware. Do you agree?

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We need Independent Redistricting Reform in Delaware. Do you agree?

Democracy requires competitive elections. If you have an election, and there is no competition, it doesn’t really matter whether you vote or not — and so people don’t.

Solutions to the Influence of Big Money in Politics

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Solutions to the Influence of Big Money in Politics

President Obama's valedictory State of the Union last week brimmed with optimism. Refraining from a traditional laundry list of policy proposals, he stayed rooted in big themes about America, our future and the challenges ahead. He spoke eloquently about how our democracy is built upon "voices of unarmed truth and unconditional love."

Dr. King’s Legacy: Voting Rights and the March Forward

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Dr. King’s Legacy: Voting Rights and the March Forward

Nearly fifty years ago, Dr. King advised that “voting is the foundation stone for political action.” It was that constitutional right for which the civil rights community fought – with blood and life – to secure for all Americans, not just the few.

Maryland, it’s time to euthanize our broken-winged pterodactyl

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Maryland, it’s time to euthanize our broken-winged pterodactyl

The pterodactyl, also known as the 3rd Congressional District, has become something of an unofficial state bird since then-Gov. Martin O’Malley and the General Assembly hatched it in 2012.

President Obama’s Plan To Fix Our Politics

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President Obama’s Plan To Fix Our Politics

In last night’s State of the Union speech, President Obama laid out his vision for the country, highlighting a future of “opportunity and security for our families; a rising standard of living and a sustainable, peaceful planet for our kids.”

A slice of the redistricting story

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A slice of the redistricting story

Sometimes the best way to talk about wonky public policy issues is over drinks. Last night, we did just that at our first informational happy hour of the New Year. Participants learned about redistricting, an issue that has been in the spotlight both nationally and in Colorado. Here are a few questions that came up, along with some short answers.

Marching Toward a Cliff: Rubio Joins GOP Candidates Backing Constitutional Convention

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Marching Toward a Cliff: Rubio Joins GOP Candidates Backing Constitutional Convention

Campaigning over the weekend in Iowa for the Republican presidential nomination, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio announced his support for a dangerous idea: a national convention under Article V of the U.S. Constitution to propose constitutional amendments on term limits and a balanced federal budget.

Pittsburgh City Council Declares Support for Fair and Transparent Redistricting

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Pittsburgh City Council Declares Support for Fair and Transparent Redistricting

Last week, the Pittsburgh City Council passed a resolution calling on the Pennsylvania General Assembly to end the manipulation of congressional districts and state legislative districts for political advantage.

The Good, but Mostly Bad, in Congress’ Big Budget Deal

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The Good, but Mostly Bad, in Congress’ Big Budget Deal

As if Americans need one more reminder of the dysfunction in congress, last night Congressional leaders announced a 2,000 page omnibus budget, demonstrating again their inability to pass a budget through normal procedure. Omnibus spending bills released in the middle of the night are often filled with special interest handouts (called “riders”). Much like last year’s “cromnibus” bill, this year’s budget deal includes a number of good and bad things.

Evenwel, Equal Representation Depends on Justice Kennedy

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Evenwel, Equal Representation Depends on Justice Kennedy

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments last Tuesday in Evenwel v. Abbott, a case that has huge implications for who has a voice in our democracy.

5 Facts You Didn’t Know About The NRA’s Political Spending

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5 Facts You Didn’t Know About The NRA’s Political Spending

NRA’s political spending has tripled since Citizens United. The NRA has always been a big political spender, but since the U.S. Supreme Court allowed unlimited political spending by corporations and special interests groups in the 2010 Citizens United decision, the NRA’s spending on federal elections increased dramatically.



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