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Common Cause Applauds Senator McCaskill’s Efforts to Abolish Secret Holds, Commends Senate Committee on Rules and Administration for Holding Hearing on Secret Holds, and Urges Senate to Act Swiftly

Common Cause Applauds Senator McCaskill’s Efforts to Abolish Secret Holds, Commends Senate Committee on Rules and Administration for Holding Hearing on Secret Holds, and Urges Senate to Act Swiftly

Common Cause applauds Sen. ClaireMcCaskill’s (D-MO) leadership in securing a bipartisan coalition of 67 senators to call for an end to the Senate’s practice of secret holds. On Wednesday, the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration will hold a hearing on the troubling practice of holds and the nomination process, and Senator McCaskill is expected to testify about her proposal. She has reportedly gathered enough support in the Senate to overcome a potential filibuster to this specific reform.

“Secret holds are the antithesis of an open democracy,” said Bob Edgar, president of Common Cause. “They take an enormous toll on the personal and professional lives of our prospective public servants as their nominations are subject to the whims of just one anonymous senator. Ending the secret nature of holds is one step in the right direction because it will restore a level of accountability that is noticeably lacking. I urge the Senate to act swiftly and restore transparency to the Senate,” Edgar said.



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