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Common Cause Endorses Congressional Resolution to Block President Trump’s Unconstitutional National Emergency Declaration

The American people deserve accountability for President Trump’s abuse of presidential powers. The bipartisan congressional resolution blocking President Trump’s national emergency declaration to build his border wall is the correct step forward to put a check on President Trump.

Common Cause 회장 Karen Hobert Flynn의 성명

“The American people deserve accountability for President Trump’s abuse of presidential powers. The bipartisan congressional resolution blocking President Trump’s national emergency declaration to build his border wall is the correct step forward to put a check on President Trump. Introduced by Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX), the resolution gives Members of Congress the opportunity to put our country and Constitution before any political party. Common Cause’s 1.2 million members and supporters strongly urge passage of this legislation.

In the coming days, Common Cause will send a letter to all Members of Congress in support of this resolution and activate our members and supporters who live in every congressional district to contact and urge their Member of Congress and Senators to vote for the resolution.”


To view Common Cause’s original statement and legal explanation of opposition to Trump’s national emergency order, 여기를 클릭하세요.



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