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Common Cause Promises Intensified Voter Registration, Turnout Effort After Court Reinstates Wisconsin Voter ID Law

A federal appeals court decision reinstating Wisconsin’s Voter ID law places an unneeded and unjustified obstacle in the path of thousands of Badger State voters, Common Cause said Friday.

A federal appeals court decision reinstating Wisconsin’s Voter ID law places an unneeded and unjustified obstacle in the path of thousands of Badger State voters, Common Cause said Friday.

“This is a terrible, undemocratic ruling,” said Common Cause President Miles Rapoport. “The Voter ID requirements imposed by the state law fall most heavily on senior citizens, the young, and people of color, many of whom already are less likely than the general public to register and vote.

“Our focus from now through Election Day will be on helping every qualified voter meet the law’s requirements and cast a ballot.  We have a message for the elected officials who erect such barriers: we’re determined to see that they don’t work. And in the long term, we’ll continue working across America to repeal unneeded and discriminatory voter ID requirements.”



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