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1787개의 결과

~을 통해

필터 재설정



1787개의 결과

~을 통해

필터 재설정

It’s back, baby! – The Election Assistance Commission

블로그 게시물

It’s back, baby! – The Election Assistance Commission

Formed in 2000 by the Help America Vote Act, the Election Assistance Commission was put in place to avoid another Florida-style debacle – the kind where the words “hanging chads” reverberated in Americans’ minds well past the presidential election.

In Memoriam – Donna Parson

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In Memoriam – Donna Parson

Memorial page for the life and legacy of Donna Parson

Recommendations for Reforms

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Recommendations for Reforms

Common Cause/NY, along with the NY Public Interest Research Group wrote a letter urging Governor Cuomo and key senate and assembly members to include critical reform measures as part of any special session held at the end of the year.

Omnibus Bill Is A Toxic Cocktail of Giveaways

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Omnibus Bill Is A Toxic Cocktail of Giveaways

The omnibus appropriations bill fashioned in secret by congressional leaders this week is larded with goodies for the lawmakers who will be voting on it and the special interests – from the gun lobby to Wall Street – that are their financial patrons, Common Cause said today. If passed, it will include the biggest increase in campaign contribution limits ever enacted by Congress.

Five Things Wrong With Congress’s Omnibus Spending Bill

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Five Things Wrong With Congress’s Omnibus Spending Bill

Congress is running out of time to fund the government, and last night, they came to a $1.1 trillion agreement. But they’re not letting this crisis go to waste – the omnibus bill is packed with special interest handouts and riders that will weaken our democracy.

Senators Should Vote on Pending Nominations Before Adjourning

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Senators Should Vote on Pending Nominations Before Adjourning

With 139 presidential nominations awaiting floor action as of midday Monday, the U.S. Senate should remain in session as long as it takes – including through the holiday season – to fill judicial and executive vacancies, Common Cause said today.

How Gerrymandering Stacked the Deck in 2014 North Carolina Elections

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How Gerrymandering Stacked the Deck in 2014 North Carolina Elections

An examination of 2014 election results in North Carolina shows that effective gerrymandering left many legislative candidates unopposed and caused a large discrepancy between partisan votes and results.

Common Cause Briefing Examines Ohio Redistricting Reform Proposal

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Common Cause Briefing Examines Ohio Redistricting Reform Proposal

Common Cause Ohio organized a briefing on HJR 12, a proposed state constitutional amendment that would reform how Ohio’s state legislative districts are drawn by creating a less partisan process.



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