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*전화번호를 제공하면 Common Cause에서 95559로 보내는 모바일 알림을 받는 데 동의하는 것입니다. 메시지 및 데이터 요금이 적용됩니다.
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Political Ad Disclosure for 2014 — Why Not?
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Please Don’t Bluff Mr. Blank
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Playing the “damn game”
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Peter Dreier: 25 Best Progressive Victories in 2012; #8 Same Day Voter Registration in CA
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온라인 유권자 등록과 사전 투표권이 생겼습니다!
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One More Promise To Keep
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One more Congressman calls for campaign finance reform, after he’s gone…
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One million voices aren’t enough?
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On Watergate’s anniversary, calls for media reform
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“Obama-Phones” or “Gipper-Phones” — What’s in a Name?
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Obama-linked Group Breaks Promise, Opens White House Doors for Big Donors
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Not Educated Enough To Vote?