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1787개의 결과

~을 통해

필터 재설정



1787개의 결과

~을 통해

필터 재설정

Trump Conflicts of Interest May Violate Emoluments Clause

블로그 게시물

Trump Conflicts of Interest May Violate Emoluments Clause

Bush and Obama Attorneys are warning that Emoluments Clause violations are unavoidable if President-elect Donald Trump does not divest of his assets and create a true blind trust prior to taking office. The memo is written by Richard Painter and Norman Eisen White House Ethics Czars from the Administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama and noted constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe.

Trump, the Ultimate Apprentice

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Trump, the Ultimate Apprentice

President-elect Donald Trump's deal to serve as executive producer of "The Celebrity Apprentice" raises legal, ethical and constitutional questions.

트럼프의 사업 이해 상충은 그가 믿는 바와 상관없이 매우 현실적이다

블로그 게시물

트럼프의 사업 이해 상충은 그가 믿는 바와 상관없이 매우 현실적이다

미국인들은 대통령이 윤리와 투명성에 대해 전혀 비난받지 않고, 국가의 사업을 우선시하기를 기대합니다. 도널드 트럼프의 지금까지의 행동과 수사는 그의 사업 제국이 전환 기간 동안, 그리고 취임할 때 심각한 이해 상충 문제를 일으키는 수많은 방식에 대해 제기된 정당한 우려에 대해 귀머거리였습니다. 대통령 당선자는 대통령이 이해 상충이 있을 수 없다고 말하며 일련의 우려스러운 발언을 했습니다.

Comments on President-Elect Donald Trump’s Conflicts of Interest

블로그 게시물

Comments on President-Elect Donald Trump’s Conflicts of Interest

President-elect Donald Trump’s extensive and far-flung business interests make him unique in the history of the American presidency. Common Cause, a watchdog on behalf of open, honest and accountable government since our founding 46 years ago, is committed to keeping a close eye on how Mr. Trump and his administration answer the ethical questions raised by his awesome new responsibilities.

A challenging moment

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A challenging moment

Our new political reality shows that the work we do -- together -- to preserve and strengthen our democracy is more vital than ever.

Democracy Reform Is On The Ballot In 2016

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Democracy Reform Is On The Ballot In 2016

List of 2016 pro-democracy ballot measures Common Cause is working on and watching

Oregon Officials Probing Deceptive Robocalls to Voters

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Oregon Officials Probing Deceptive Robocalls to Voters

Oregon's secretary of state is looking into reports that some voters are getting robocalls that tell them they're not registered and can't vote

WATCH: ALEC’s Illegal Lobbying Scheme

블로그 게시물

WATCH: ALEC’s Illegal Lobbying Scheme

See how ALEC helped Exxon lobby for anti-environmental legislation and deny climate science



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