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1787개의 결과

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1787개의 결과

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필터 재설정

Closing The Digital Divide

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Closing The Digital Divide

The fight to close the digital divide just got a major boost.

Common Cause “Gerrymander Standard” Winners Will Be Announced Next Week

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Common Cause “Gerrymander Standard” Winners Will Be Announced Next Week

Last year Common Cause launched the inaugural Democracy Prize Writing Competition to identify the best “gerrymander standard.” On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of next week, we’ll announce each of the winning entries in daily blog posts summarizing their ideas and linking to the papers.

Disclosure Voted Down Along Party Lines

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Disclosure Voted Down Along Party Lines

In a party line vote, Republicans on the House Communications and Technology subcommittee defeated legislation that would have forced the secret sponsors of broadcast political ads into the open.

ALEC Losing Clout, Legitimacy Amid Ongoing Controversy and Tax Fraud

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ALEC Losing Clout, Legitimacy Amid Ongoing Controversy and Tax Fraud

Amid an exodus of more than 100 corporations from the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Common Cause and the Center for Media and Democracy sent federal authorities new evidence last week, that ALEC is a corporate lobby masquerading as a charity at the expense of taxpayers and voters.

Got $1 million? Here is what it can get you.

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Got $1 million? Here is what it can get you.

While they all talk about attracting grassroots and small-donor support, the 2016 candidates are depending on big money from wealthy donors to propel them to the White House.

Redistricting Reformers Make Plans in Cincinnati

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Redistricting Reformers Make Plans in Cincinnati

On May 15, Common Cause Ohio and partner organizations hosted a Redistricting Reform in 2015 Workshop in Cincinnati.

Allergan Latest Company to Leave ALEC as Pressure Builds on Pfizer

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Allergan Latest Company to Leave ALEC as Pressure Builds on Pfizer

Another major corporation has decided to leave the controversial corporate lobbying group the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Common Cause has learned.

Baltimore, Make Your Vote Count

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Baltimore, Make Your Vote Count

This week The New York Times reported on a years-long research project that found that children who move from lower-income to higher-income neighborhoods may improve their odds of succeeding, with their likelihood of going to college and the amount of money they're likely to earn as adults increasing for every year spent in the better neighborhood.

The Supreme Court Tips Its Hand

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The Supreme Court Tips Its Hand

In a win for judicial independence, the Supreme Court this week upheld the ability of states to ban judges and judicial candidates from directly soliciting campaign contributions in their judicial elections.

It’s time to amend the Constitution

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It’s time to amend the Constitution

The Supreme Court seems determined to dismantle our country’s campaign finance rules, with decisions like Citizens United v. FEC and McCutcheon v. FEC leaving lawmakers constitutionally prohibited from placing common sense limits on the amount of money raised and spent on elections.The results of their decisions have been disastrous.



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