
Common Cause의 2024년 민주주의 점수표에서 워싱턴의 높은 점수 

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Common Cause의 2024년 민주주의 점수표에서 워싱턴의 높은 점수 

워싱턴 — 비당파 감시 기관인 Common Cause가 2024년 "민주주의 점수표"를 발표하여 의회의 모든 의원이 투표권, 대법원 윤리 및 기타 개혁을 지지하는 내용을 기록했습니다.  

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Common Cause의 국가 및 주 민주주의 개혁 전문가 네트워크는 빈번한 미디어 해설자입니다. 전문가와 대화하려면 위의 언론팀 멤버에게 연락하세요.


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4028개의 결과

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Associated Press: Wisconsin GOP threatens to impeach justice over donations, but conservatives also took party cash

뉴스 클립

Associated Press: Wisconsin GOP threatens to impeach justice over donations, but conservatives also took party cash

“It’s what I call selective outrage,” said Jay Heck, a longtime observer of the Wisconsin Supreme Court and director of Common Cause of Wisconsin, a nonpartisan government watchdog group. “It’s incredibly hypocritical.”

There was no outrage from Republicans when conservative justices heard numerous cases over the years involving their conservative donors, Heck said.

“The rules and parameters of recusal were put in place by the conservatives and by the Republicans,” said Heck, with Common Cause....

NPR: A 25-year-old from a small town leads North Carolina’s Democratic Party toward 2024

뉴스 클립

NPR: A 25-year-old from a small town leads North Carolina’s Democratic Party toward 2024

But to local organizers, like North Carolina-based Vashti Hinton-Smith from the left-leaning group Common Cause, this is an ongoing, long and hard fight.

"I do wonder sometimes if it's too late," said Hinton-Smith, who runs Common Cause's civic engagement program at HBCUs within the state.

Though she agrees with Clayton's youth outreach plan and remains cautiously optimistic, she said politicians need to play the long game in order to make change, which may require less focus on wins right now.

U.S. News & World Report: Judges Reject Gerrymandered Districts Ahead of Hotly Contested Elections

뉴스 클립

U.S. News & World Report: Judges Reject Gerrymandered Districts Ahead of Hotly Contested Elections

"The Alabama legislature's defiance of a clear mandate from the Supreme Court to discriminate against Black voters is so brazen, a delaying tactic seems to be the only explanation that makes any sense," says Dan Vicuna, director of redistricting and representation at the advocacy group Common Cause.

"I think it's not going to sit well with the Supreme Court," he says.

Public News Service: Tech Companies Scale Back Efforts to Control Election Disinformation

뉴스 클립

Public News Service: Tech Companies Scale Back Efforts to Control Election Disinformation

Emma Steiner, information accountability project manager with the non-partisan group Common Cause, said disinformation can often be hard to spot.

"A lot of times people fall for disinformation," said Steiner, "because it seems to confirm something they already believe and that's where people get tripped up."

Steiner recommended that people always refer to official sources for voting information - including Secretary of States' offices or local election boards.

"Disinformation spreaders and...

New York Times: How a New City Council Map of L.A. Turned Into a Political Brawl

뉴스 클립

New York Times: How a New City Council Map of L.A. Turned Into a Political Brawl

Jonathan Mehta Stein, the executive director of California Common Cause, which closely monitored the redistricting process, said he believed there was also a larger political goal: “They pulled her base out from under her to have her turn down the volume on behalf of renters,” he said.

San Diego Union-Tribune: Should the city attorney be stripped of civil duties? Experts and candidates for the office oppose the effort

뉴스 클립

San Diego Union-Tribune: Should the city attorney be stripped of civil duties? Experts and candidates for the office oppose the effort

Sean McMorris, a California Common Cause program manager, said the notion of dividing the city attorney’s civil and criminal responsibilities appears to him like a “power grab.”

“This seems like it could be a recipe for confusion and contention, especially if the appointed city attorney and elected city attorney clash on matters,” he said. The proposal “also seems to give the council president too much power in the appointing process, which could lead to the appearance of corruption.”

CT Insider: In Connecticut’s smallest city, mayoral candidate’s Jan. 6 charges set up divisive Republican primary

뉴스 클립

CT Insider: In Connecticut’s smallest city, mayoral candidate’s Jan. 6 charges set up divisive Republican primary

Cheri Quickmire, executive director of the voter advocacy and election watchdog organization Common Cause in Connecticut, says the primary will be a test for Trump supporters and mainstream Republicans. "I don’t think he should be on the ballot," Quickmire said of DiGiovanni. "I think anyone who participated in an insurrection against the U.S. government should be disqualified."

Honolulu Civil Beat: What Does Hawaii Have In Common With These Red States? A Fear Of Direct Democracy

뉴스 클립

Honolulu Civil Beat: What Does Hawaii Have In Common With These Red States? A Fear Of Direct Democracy

There was a push to establish statewide initiatives, referendums and recalls during the last constitutional convention in 1978. A key proponent was the good-government organization Common Cause Hawaii.

In a newspaper interview at the time, Common Cause’s Carol Zachary said special interests “can better use the established legislative process than they can the entire electorate. Their defense of the present system proves that they don’t want to give people the franchise. They’re scared of what they might do.”

Los Alamos Daily Post: Officials And Organizations Express Condolences On Passing Of Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson

뉴스 클립

Los Alamos Daily Post: Officials And Organizations Express Condolences On Passing Of Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson

Common Cause New Mexico State Director Heather Ferguson:

“He was one of the strongest Governors New Mexico ever had. While he might be remembered more for his diplomacy and the economic advances he brought to New Mexico (the film industry, the Spaceport, the Rail Runner to name a few) we remember him for his 2007 Ethics Reform Task Force. It spurred so much legislation over the subsequent decades—a Gift Ban, Public Financing of the PRC and state judicial races, limits on campaign contributions and an ethics commission. He...

Cleveland.com/The Plain Dealer: Rigged legislative districts boost partisanship, diminish compromise: Civil Discourse Initiative

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Cleveland.com/The Plain Dealer: Rigged legislative districts boost partisanship, diminish compromise: Civil Discourse Initiative

The reform proposals that voters adopted during the last decade to stop gerrymandering were thwarted because redistricting remained in the hands of politicians, says Common Cause Ohio Executive Director Catherine Turcer.

Now, she’s supporting a new citizen initiative that would put an independent citizen commission in charge of mapmaking. She said states that redistricted through independent citizen commissions got legislative and congressional district lines that didn’t unfairly favor one party or another.

Newsday: Term-limited Bellone continues fundraising

뉴스 클립

Newsday: Term-limited Bellone continues fundraising

Susan Lerner, executive director of the good government group Common Cause New York, said politicians should not hold fundraisers without declaring their intentions.

"Common Cause/NY believes that candidates must explicitly announce what office they are running for when asking donors for money - and not build up a war chest for an unknown position," she said in a statement. "New York law must change so that candidates are only able to raise money once they've announced their campaign for an intended office."

Washington Post: Justice Thomas details jet travel, property deal with billionaire

뉴스 클립

Washington Post: Justice Thomas details jet travel, property deal with billionaire

He described Crow as a “personal friend,” according to the disclosure form, one of several from the 1990s that is no longer publicly available but was provided to The Washington Post by watchdog organizations Common Cause and Documented.



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