
Common Cause의 2024년 민주주의 점수표에서 워싱턴의 높은 점수 

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Common Cause의 2024년 민주주의 점수표에서 워싱턴의 높은 점수 

워싱턴 — 비당파 감시 기관인 Common Cause가 2024년 "민주주의 점수표"를 발표하여 의회의 모든 의원이 투표권, 대법원 윤리 및 기타 개혁을 지지하는 내용을 기록했습니다.  

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Common Cause의 국가 및 주 민주주의 개혁 전문가 네트워크는 빈번한 미디어 해설자입니다. 전문가와 대화하려면 위의 언론팀 멤버에게 연락하세요.


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4028개의 결과

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U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Dangerous Attempt to Destroy Democracy

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U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Dangerous Attempt to Destroy Democracy

The U.S. Supreme Court handed voters a major victory today with their ruling that state courts can review — and rectify — election-related rules and voting maps passed by state legislatures.

Miami Herald/Tribune News Service: Alabama ruling could bring good news to Florida Democrats

뉴스 클립

Miami Herald/Tribune News Service: Alabama ruling could bring good news to Florida Democrats

In the federal case, Common Cause vice president Kathay Feng said her group’s lawsuit also is supported by the Alabama decision, despite focusing on a different section of law.

“The Alabama ruling sent a very clear message that the court was going to look closely at the history of discrimination,” Feng said. “… Florida has a history of discriminating against black voters. And the impact was directly to take away the opportunity to vote from Black voters in the panhandle of Florida.”

States Newsroom: Red and blue state divide grows even wider in 2023’s top voting and election laws

뉴스 클립

States Newsroom: Red and blue state divide grows even wider in 2023’s top voting and election laws

"Allowing New Yorkers to vote by mail increases voter turnout in harder to reach populations, including young people and voters of color," said Common Cause New York in a statement released the day the bill passed. “(N)ot only is this absolutely legal under our constitution, but the right thing to do."

Mercury News: Can Alameda County recover from botched elections?

뉴스 클립

Mercury News: Can Alameda County recover from botched elections?

“These things take time. You don’t just earn the public trust overnight,” said Pedro Hernandez, the Legal and Policy Director for California Common Cause, a voting rights and government transparency group. “We have to show the county’s voters that we are taking concerns seriously.”

In Hernandez’s view, the buck must ultimately stop at the Board of Supervisors. An oversight commission may ultimately help bring light to concerns and potential election issues, but it does not have the authority to resolve those issues.

CBS News: A Delaware city is set to give corporations the right to vote in elections

뉴스 클립

CBS News: A Delaware city is set to give corporations the right to vote in elections

"It was very shocking to see this attempt to have artificial entities have voting rights," said Claire Snyder-Hall, executive director of Common Cause Delaware, a watchdog group.

"We're seeing voter suppression all over the county, and this is the flipside," she added. "It's not saying the residents of Seaford can't vote, but it's diluting their votes by allowing nonresidents to vote."

Boston Globe: Healey created a nonprofit to bankroll her transition into office. But, the donors are secret, and so is how much they gave her.

뉴스 클립

Boston Globe: Healey created a nonprofit to bankroll her transition into office. But, the donors are secret, and so is how much they gave her.

Geoff Foster, executive director of Common Cause Massachusetts, said while Healey’s use of the nonprofit is legal, it’s an example of why the state needs stronger disclosure laws to dispel any appearance of undue influence on an elected official.

“While we know there are precedents for this practice, for us at Common Cause it’s always concerning when private donations to public officials are not fully disclosed,” Foster said.

Newsday: Hochul weighs Legislature’s plan for broader mail-in voting

뉴스 클립

Newsday: Hochul weighs Legislature’s plan for broader mail-in voting

"Allowing New Yorkers to vote by mail increases voter turnout in harder to reach populations, including young people and voters of color," said Susan Lerner of Common Cause-NY. "We know vote by mail works: New York did it successfully in 2020 when faced with the COVID-19 pandemic ... not only is this absolutely legal under our Constitution, but the right thing to do."

News Nation: Campaign finance rules blurred by super PAC backing DeSantis

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News Nation: Campaign finance rules blurred by super PAC backing DeSantis

“We’ve seen…candidates really pushing the envelope here, and there has been a rise in single-candidate super PACs,” said Stephen Spaulding, Vice President of Common Cause, a group dedicated to lessening the impact of special interests in government and politics.

“You have super PACs essentially operating as arms of campaigns — only they can take unlimited amounts of money from nearly any source,” Spaulding said.

“It’s time for Congress to step in and pass legislation to make clear that...

Houston Chronicle/Texas Tribune: Gov. Greg Abbott vetoes bill that would give people with disabilities new option to vote by mail

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Houston Chronicle/Texas Tribune: Gov. Greg Abbott vetoes bill that would give people with disabilities new option to vote by mail

“Greg Abbott either didn’t read this bill closely enough to understand what it really does or is deliberately working to make it harder for Texans with disabilities to vote,” Katya Ehresman, the voting rights manager for Common Cause Texas, said in a statement.

Axios: It’s a Wild West for AI-generated political ads

뉴스 클립

Axios: It’s a Wild West for AI-generated political ads

"This is an issue that's going to continue to snowball," said Stephen Spaulding, VP of policy and external affairs at Common Cause. "There are tools the FEC could employ, but no question, there also has to be a comprehensive legislative response."

Emma Steiner, disinformation analyst at Common Cause, told Axios that the group's biggest concern about generative AI is that platforms "are not willing to act on evolving disinformation narratives. So while [companies] can attempt to drop new policies ... I'm not sure they will make...

Charlotte Observer (Op-Ed): GOP elections bill: This isn’t how we should run elections in NC

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Charlotte Observer (Op-Ed): GOP elections bill: This isn’t how we should run elections in NC

To distract voters from extremists pulling the strings on the North Carolina Senate's latest round of voting restrictions, proponents of Senate Bill 747 will tell you there is "there is nothing in this bill that is out of line with how elections are conducted in other states."

Regardless, SB 747 is far from how we should run elections in this state.

This sprawling, 16-page omnibus bill contains dozens of dramatic election law changes, showing just how determined Republicans are to obstruct all aspects of North...



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