블로그 게시물

A Chance to March in Solidarity

Allegra Chapman, Director of Voting and Elections for Common Cause on her experience at America's Journey for Justice

This past weekend, I got the chance to march in solidarity with dozens of Americans – of all ages, races, and religions – in the NAACP’s Journey for Justice, a 40-day journey from Selma, AL to Washington, DC to celebrate and demand protection of “our lives, our jobs, our votes, and our schools.”

What an inspiring experience!  As made clear by the heart, passion, and dedication of the marchers – some of whom have committed to walking the full 860 miles – Americans are dedicated to the fulfillment of a robust democracy and a country in which none of us is left behind.

I walked with those who first marched in the civil rights movement 50 years ago, and with those who, as young student activists, are just getting started on the first march of many more to come.  Whether in their teens or 80s, these men and women have come together to urge creation of an America that lives up to its highest promise.  As many chanted along the way, “my feet are sore, but I’m not tired!”

As a country, we still have much work to do to ensure that each American has the right to walk in the streets safe from police brutality, has access in a fair economy, has the right to cast a ballot (for citizens), and has access to a strong education.  Together, as demonstrated by the spirit of America’s Journey for Justice, we will get there.

You can find out more or join us on the march or at an event:  commoncause.org/issues/more-democracy-reforms/journey-for-justice/



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