
거대 자본의 영향력에 맞서 싸우세요: 시민 연합을 전복하세요

기업, 특수이익집단, 그리고 미국에서 가장 부유한 사람들 중 일부는 2024년 선거에 영향을 미치기 위해 수십억 달러를 지출하고 있으며, 이는 사실상 일반 미국인의 목소리를 묻어버리고 있습니다.

그래서 저는 의회에 대법원의 재앙적인 시민 연합 판결을 뒤집고, 또한 투표의 자유법과 DISCLOSE법을 통과시켜 우리나라의 거대 자본 문제에 맞서 싸울 것을 촉구합니다.

청원서에 서명하세요

공통 원인

Did you see that Elon Musk pledged [1] (then walked back) [2] an eye-popping $45 million per month to elect Trump and his allies in 2024?

That’s a staggering sum – and Musk is far from the only big spender this year. On the right, on the left, and everywhere in between, we have billionaires and special interests buying their way to outsize influence in our elections, simply because they’re richer than you or me.

But no matter who it is, we ALL pay the price when wealthy megadonors get to buy their way to a bigger say in our democracy – with inaction on healthcare and minimum wage, and tax giveaways to the ultra-rich.

That’s why Common Cause has fought for years to undo the 시민연합 status quo and pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the DISCLOSE Act – which would return power to everyday Americans and limit Big Money’s influence in our democracy.

Join us in calling on Congress to END the Citizens United era and pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the DISCLOSE Act!

[1] https://www.huffpost.com/entry/silicon-valley-billionaires-back-trump_n_66994dcfe4b0e9707971ebec
[2] https://fortune.com/2024/07/23/elon-musk-backs-down-from-45-million-a-month-pledge-to-trump-says-he-doesnt-subscribe-to-cult-of-personality/



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