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Voting & Elections 07.8.2020

Gov. Hogan decides Nov. 3 election plan – Common Cause responds

At Common Cause, we are extremely disappointed that Gov. Hogan has disregarded the recommendations of local elections officials. The COVID-19 pandemic is not over and most likely won't be over in November.

Voting & Elections 07.2.2020

Gov. Hogan Urged to ‘focus on providing safe options’ for voting in Nov 3 Election

Unfortunately, instead of recommending a plan that would promote social distancing by sending every eligible voter a mail ballot, protecting early vote, and ensuring there are enough polling locations open to prevent long lines, the State Board's recommendations actually create more confusion, bureaucracy, and fewer options for voters.

Voting & Elections 06.26.2020

Governor urged to ‘immediately’ give SBE ‘clear direction’ for November elections

In the wake of the June 2nd primary elections, which saw long lines at polling places, Maryland voting rights organizations today urged Governor Larry Hogan to "immediately instruct" the State Board of Elections (SBE) regarding planning for November 3rd. The groups urged Gov. Hogan to direct the SBE "to mail every active voter a ballot and expand in-person and early voting options."

Voting & Elections 05.20.2020

Voting Rights Groups Urge Board of Elections to Take Mitigating Actions

Week-long Delay in Mailing Ballots Disadvantages Baltimore Voters

Voting & Elections 05.12.2020

Advocates Urge Governor Hogan to Prioritize Funding for Voter Education

On Tuesday, May 12th, voting rights advocates called on Governor Hogan to immediately increase efforts to inform voters of election changes ahead of June 2nd Primary Election. Read our letter.

Common Cause Maryland Launches Campaign to Get Baltimore City Candidates on the Record About Democracy Reforms

Today, Common Cause Maryland is launching a new program to ensure voters know where Baltimore City candidates stand on practical solutions to the challenges facing our democracy.

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