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Voting & Elections 11.7.2022

Common Cause Maryland Reminds Voters “Election Day is not Results Day”

Maryland voters have until 8 p.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 8, to cast a ballot in person or by mail in the 2022 midterm election.

Voting & Elections 11.4.2022

Common Cause Maryland Launches Youth-Led Election Protection Program

ANNAPOLIS, MD — Today, Common Cause Maryland announces the launch of its nonpartisan election protection program called the “Democracy Justice League”. The program, consisting of 40 Maryland college students and young leaders, is designed to ensure all voters, especially young and Black voters, can cast a ballot without obstruction, confusion, or intimidation on Nov. 8, Election Day. It is part of the larger 866-OUR-VOTE Election Protection program.

Voting & Elections 10.26.2022

MEDIA RESOURCE GUIDE: Everyone Votes Maryland Spokespeople

As voters begin to cast their ballots by mail, during early voting, or on Election Day, Everyone Votes Maryland members are available to respond to questions about the election and civic engagement.

Voting & Elections 10.21.2022

Early Voting in the 2022 Midterm Election Begins Thursday, Oct. 27

“Early voting improves access for all hardworking voters, especially for our first responders, nurses, and teachers who can’t always make it to the polls on Election Day.

Voting & Elections 09.23.2022

Common Cause, League of Women Voters, PIRG, ACLU Applaud Ruling Upholding Timely Election Results from Maryland State Board of Elections

"We know Marylanders across all political parties are united in support of the State Board of Elections’ decisive action to ensure the November election produces timely results.”


Common Cause Releases 2022 “Democracy Scorecard” Showing Growing Support in Congress for Democracy Reform

“Our democracy is strongest when constituents are informed about the job our elected leaders are doing in Washington,” said Joanne Antoine, executive director at Common Cause Maryland.

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