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Daily dispatches of news and commentary from the frontlines of the pro-democracy movement.

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2019 Session Priorities

This session, we will follow up a tremendous 2018 by working to secure and implement previous legislative victories, looking to respond to 2018 election issues, and seeking strategic steps forward on redistricting. Check out more of our priorities.


Legislative Review 2016

With the 2016 legislative session finished, we are disappointed that more progress was not made on good government reforms in the past 90 days. While the legislature made some advances this session, particularly on expanding access to voting, overall we saw no meaningful progress on key reforms. At a time when the public is clamoring for open and honest government and is sick and tired of political duplicity, the lack of action on these issues sends the wrong message.

Voting & Elections 08.7.2015

It is time to Unlock the Vote

Meeting in the heart of downtown, commercial Baltimore, various community organizations gathered yesterday, August 6, to hold signs proclaiming “Recall this Veto!” and “Communities United!” We were drumming up interest about

Money & Influence 07.6.2015

Lobbying the Maryland Legislature

The industries spending most heavily to influence decision-makers in Annapolis haven’t changed much in the last three years. But the amount they are spending jumped by almost $2 million this year, according to research by Common Cause Maryland.

Money & Influence 04.16.2015

Key MoCo Committee Funds Groundbreaking Fair Elections Program

The Montgomery County Council held public hearings this week on the proposed FY16 budget. Concerned citizens testified at each hearing, calling on the County Council to put $2 million into the budget to fund fair elections (Public Election Fund).

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