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Opinion: ‘Moore v. Harper’ Supreme Court case could weaken Maryland’s election rules

"We refuse to walk back access to the ballot box."

This article originally appeared in the Baltimore Sun on February 24, 2023 and was written by Joanne Antoine. 

Both Moore and Cox’s arguments are desperate and dangerous, and they are trying to take power out of the hands of voters and let politicians thwart our vote while upending centuries of practice and precedent.

We at Common Cause Maryland feel strongly that no one branch of government should have outsized power in America’s system of government.

We and our members have worked for years to protect and expand access to early voting and voting by mail. In 2021, we worked with partners to strengthen our mail-in voting process by securing a permanent ballot list, ensuring secure and accessible drop boxes, and providing usability testing for all mail voting materials. We’ve also worked with partners to secure meaningful access to voting for currently incarcerated eligible voters, and expanded access to early voting in recent years by providing all jurisdictions with additional voting centers as well as a 2-hour earlier opening time during gubernatorial elections.

We refuse to walk back access to the ballot box.

To read the full article, click here.


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