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The Power of Special Interests
Campaign Finance and Electricity Deregulation in Maryland
The Six Million Dollar Loophole
How Money Moves in Maryland Campaigns Through Limited Liability Companies
Payout: a Study of Gambling Contributions
This Common Cause Maryland Report reads, in part, “As the Maryland General Assembly debates legalizing slot machines for the third year in a row, new data released by the State Board of Elections shows that businesses, political action committees, and individuals who promote organized gambling in Maryland gave a total of $166,525 to candidates and political committees in the state from 1/13/04 to 1/12/05. Of this total, $118,545 was given by corporations and PACs, and $47,980 by individuals.
The Campaign Contributions and Lobbying Expenditures of Power Companies and the Automobile Industry, 1999-2004
The Campaign Contributions and Lobbying Expenditures of Power Companies and the Automobile Industry, 1999-2004