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2021-2022 Statewide Redistricting

The Maryland General Assembly has redrawn the boundaries of our congressional and legislative voting districts. Common Cause Maryland watchdogged the process - ensuring the process was transparent and allowed for meaningful participation - and advocated for fair and representative maps. Interactive versions of the maps that were adopted as well as any of the relevant materials are included for your review. While technology helped increase transparency around the process, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done in order to ensure that we have fair maps that fully represent Maryland’s diverse population. Updated on 4/29/2022

The Maryland General Assembly convened in Annapolis to redraw the boundaries of congressional and legislative voting districts. A congressional map was passed by the legislature during the 2021 special session. During the 2022 regular session, they passed a legislative map. Both adopted maps were submitted by the Legislative Redistricting Advisory Commission (LRAC). No action was taken on map proposals submitted by the Citizens Redistricting Commission (MCRC). We’ve pulled together information to help you keep up with redistricting and how to make your voice heard throughout the process.

These maps determine our political voice for the next decade. Review all of the map proposal and join our ongoing efforts to tame the gerrymander in Maryland, ensuring our future maps fully represent Maryland’s diverse population.

Alternate Congressional Districting Map (adopted, signed into law)

  • SB 1012: New congressional map drawn by the General Assembly after an Anne Arundel County Senior Judge blocked implementation of the map adopted during the December 2021 special session (see below).
    • Bill status: adopted by the General Assembly, signed into law by the Governor after a settlement was reached.

Legislative Redistricting Bills (adopted, being challenged)

  • SJ 2/HJ 2: Legislative map proposal submitted by LRAC
    • Bill status: adopted by the General Assembly
  • SJ 3/HJ 1: Congressional map proposal submitted by MCRC
    • Bill status: no action following hearing

For information on the progress of these bills, check out our 2022 session bill tracker. You can find everything from committee assignments, links to the hearings, and more.

Congressional Redistricting Bills (adopted, blocked by court)

  • SB 1/HB 1: Congressional map proposal submitted by LRAC
    • Bill status: map adopted by the General Assembly
  • SB 2/HB 2: Congressional map proposal submitted by MCRC
    • Bill status: no action following hearing

For information from the December 2021 special session, check out our special session bill tracker. You can find everything from committee assignments, links to the hearings, and more.

Legislative Map Proposals

LRAC’s legislative map proposal (adopted, being challenged)
Click on the image below to view a pdf version of the map. Click on the map within the pdf document to view the interactive version.

Dave’s Redistricting Senate map file:, House map file:

Learn more about the Legislative Redistricting Advisory Commission.


MCRC’s legislative map proposal (no action taken on this map)
Click on the images below to view interactive map proposals for both the Senate and House of Delegates. Click here to view detailed pdf versions of both maps.







Learn more about the Citizens Redistricting Commission.

Congressional Map Proposals

ALTERNATE congressional map (adopted, signed into law)
Click on the image below to view the interactive version of the map and to look up your congressional district.

Dave’s Redistricting map file:


LRAC’s congressional map proposal (adopted, blocked by the court)
Click on the image below to view a pdf version of the map. Click on the map within the pdf document to view the interactive version.

Dave’s Redistricting map file: 

Learn more about the Legislative Redistricting Advisory Commission.


MCRC’s congressional map proposal (no action was taken on this map)
Click on the image below to view the interactive map. Click here to view a detailed pdf version of the map.

Learn more about the Citizens Redistricting Commission.

MCRC’s Final Action Report:

Relevant Court Documents

Legislative Map

  • (April 2022) Maryland Court of Appeals rules against challenges to legislative map:
  • (April 2022) Special Magistrate Wilner recommends that the state’s high court reject all four cases challenging the new legislative map:
  • (Feb. 2022) Four petitions challenging the new legislative map filed:

Congressional Map

  • (April 2022) AG withdraws appeal. Governor, petitioners, and General Assembly reach an agreement (press release):
  • (March 2022) Attorney General files notice of appeal
  • (March 2022) Anne Arundel County Senior Judge block congressional as its an “extreme partisan gerrymander” and orders General Assembly to submit new map:
  • (March 2022) Maryland Court of Appeals delays primary election:

Other Resources

  • Local Redistricting: For local redistricting updates, check out our local redistricting page.
  • Maryland Redistricting Rules: Learn more about who draws our congressional and legislative lines in Maryland and our timeline for the process.
  • Redistricting Community College: To learn more about the redistricting process, check out the Redistricting Community College. Videos and slides are available covering everything you need to know about the process and ways to make your voice heard.
  • 2020 Census: Did you know that we’re now the fourth most diverse state in the country? Our population also grew 7% over the last decade. Review the 2020 Census results to learn more about the growth and diversity in Maryland.

If you have specific question about the redistricting process, contact our Redistricting Coordinator at


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