
Internet Access & Net Neutrality

We deserve a free and fair internet where we can access information about our democracy. Common Cause is combating efforts from cable companies and politicians to restrict or put a price on that access.

In our 21st-century democracy, everyone should be able to access the Internet to read the news, get informed about their government, and more. That is why Common Cause fights for expanded high-speed broadband services and other pro-access reforms.

We also advocate in favor of net neutrality—vital protections that stop cable companies from charging customers to visit certain websites—at the state and national level. Our internet access & net neutrality work helps keep the public engaged and informed on the issues that matter to all of us.

What We’re Doing

MD Internet Access


MD Internet Access

Americans rely on the internet to access the information necessary to pursue education, gain employment, receive healthcare, and get civically engaged in our democratic process.

The open internet, or net neutrality, is the principle of online fairness. It enables everyone to share ideas, information and other content on the internet without throttling, censorship, or extra fees from big internet service providers.

Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.



Transparency Advocates Endorse Court Access Bills in Maryland Senate

Press Release

Transparency Advocates Endorse Court Access Bills in Maryland Senate

"Virtual court access ensures that the public has safe, meaningful, affordable opportunities to observe our legal system at work,” said Joanne Antoine, executive director of Common Cause Maryland.

Democracy Dies in Darkness: Voters Have Right to Know Funders of Online Political Ads

Press Release

Democracy Dies in Darkness: Voters Have Right to Know Funders of Online Political Ads

The Washington Post, Baltimore Sun and other local newspapers have sued the state of Maryland to avoid complying with the state’s campaign finance disclosure law, a measure that allows Maryland citizens to easily obtain meaningful information about groups and individuals seeking to influence their vote through ads run on their publications’ online platforms. Common Cause Maryland and the Campaign Legal Center filed a brief in U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, arguing that the state should enforce its campaign finance...


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