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Common Cause Maryland, 청소년 주도 선거 보호 프로그램 시작

메릴랜드주 애너폴리스 — 오늘 Common Cause Maryland는 "Democracy Justice League"라는 비당파 선거 보호 프로그램을 시작한다고 발표했습니다. 40명의 메릴랜드 대학생과 젊은 리더로 구성된 이 프로그램은 모든 유권자, 특히 젊은 유권자와 흑인 유권자가 11월 8일 선거일에 방해, 혼란 또는 위협 없이 투표할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. 이는 더 큰 866-OUR-VOTE 선거 보호 프로그램의 일부입니다.

ANNAPOLIS, MD — Today, 메릴랜드의 공통 원인 announces the launch of its nonpartisan election protection program called the “Democracy Justice League”. The program, consisting of 40 Maryland college students and young leaders, is designed to ensure all voters, especially young and Black voters, can cast a ballot without obstruction, confusion, or intimidation on Nov. 8, Election Day. It is part of the larger 866-OUR-VOTE Election Protection program.

The volunteers will be placed at polling locations near college campuses and other communities with high populations of young and/or Black and brown voters to serve as helpers and monitor for disinformation. Voters who experience issues on Election Day can reach out to these volunteers. They will then be connected to legal professionals through the nonpartisan election protection hotline, 866-OUR-VOTE. Young voters, especially Black and brown voters, are more likely to be targets for disinformation. Several of our youth volunteers also will be monitoring social media and working with the Common Cause Stopping Cyber Suppression team to prevent the spread of disinformation.

“Every voter deserves access to a safe and smooth experience on Election Day,” said Casey Hunter, Common Cause Maryland’s election protection field coordinator. “Voting rules can sometimes be confusing, and the process can be intimidating for new voters, or voters in historically disenfranchised communities, especially in the face of increased intimidation tactics across the country. Students and young leaders participating in the Justice League, in addition to our hundreds of nonpartisan election protection volunteers, are committed to making sure all eligible voters feel comfortable and confident in casting their vote.”

“It has become increasingly evident that my generation seeks to create lasting change that benefits us all,” said Ajhani Carroll, a Common Cause Maryland Research & Impact Intern. “Acting as poll monitors and disinformation monitors helps to ensure that young and diverse voters are just as seen and heard, as wealthy and well-connected voters.”

In-person poll monitoring and monitoring of virtual disinformation is part of Common Cause’s Alliance for Emerging Power’s 2022 Election Protection Program. The program seeks to make sure the 2022 elections are free and fair, and includes voter education, mobilization, and social media monitoring.

While early voting has come to a close, registered Marylanders can vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8, Election Day. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST, and voters can look up their polling location 여기.



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