
MD Press

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Senate President Ferguson and House Speaker Jones Announce “Legislative Redistricting Advisory Commission”

Press Release

Senate President Ferguson and House Speaker Jones Announce “Legislative Redistricting Advisory Commission”

While the Senate President and the Speaker have announced plans to host twelve in-person and virtual town hall meetings, they have not stated whether the Commission will comply with Maryland’s Open Meeting Act or whether they will solicit, accept, and consider maps submitted by the public.

Common Cause Maryland and League of Women Voters of Maryland call on the Citizens Redistricting Commission to Hold Separate Public Meeting for Baltimore City

Press Release

Common Cause Maryland and League of Women Voters of Maryland call on the Citizens Redistricting Commission to Hold Separate Public Meeting for Baltimore City

We appreciate the Commission's commitment to ensuring Maryland’s line-drawing process centers community input, but are concerned the Central Region grouping may suppress the voices of Baltimore City residents.

Voting Rights Advocates Celebrate Passage of Package of Voting Rights Policies that Seek to Make Voting More Accessible

Press Release

Voting Rights Advocates Celebrate Passage of Package of Voting Rights Policies that Seek to Make Voting More Accessible

Members of the Expand the Ballot coalition joined the Larry Young Morning Show on WOLB1010AM to celebrate the end of the Maryland General Assembly session and the passage of a comprehensive voting rights package that makes Maryland one of the leading states in America as it relates to voting reform.

“Sunshine Week” During COVID-19

Press Release

“Sunshine Week” During COVID-19

Maryland’s confidence in our government is more important during a time of crisis than ever. Public officials must do everything in their power to maximize the ability of the public to continue observing and participating in government proceedings.

Maryland Senate Updates and Funds Gubernatorial Public Financing Program

Press Release

Maryland Senate Updates and Funds Gubernatorial Public Financing Program

In a strong bipartisan vote (39-6), the Maryland State Senate has approved a bill to update and fund the state's small donor public financing program for gubernatorial candidates. Maryland’s current public financing system for the gubernatorial race was implemented in the 1970s.

House Committee to Hear Bills to Strengthen Maryland’s Mail-In Voting Process

Press Release

House Committee to Hear Bills to Strengthen Maryland’s Mail-In Voting Process

“During the 2020 election cycle, Maryland experienced a larger-than-average demand for mail-in voting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This experience proved two things – the convenience of vote by mail presents an opportunity to boost overall participation in our elections and the existing mail-in voting process needs improvement.”

The League of Women Voters and Common Cause Support Transparency in Redistricting

Press Release

The League of Women Voters and Common Cause Support Transparency in Redistricting

The bill would ensure the public regular on-line access to governmental activities and timely notice of meetings, agendas, background materials, and minutes. LWVMD and CCMD are hopeful the Citizens Redistricting Commission that will be appointed by Governor Hogan will fall under the provisions of this legislation.

Voting Rights Advocates Announce Groundbreaking Legislation Expanding Ballot Access for Those ‘Behind The Walls’

Press Release

Voting Rights Advocates Announce Groundbreaking Legislation Expanding Ballot Access for Those ‘Behind The Walls’

SB224/HB222 seeks to enhance the voter awareness and mobilization efforts of eligible voters who are currently incarcerated, and those who were recently released, by providing for a mandated informational packet to be sent to eligible voters incarcerated during an election year while providing for those being released with a voter registration application and information detailing their right to vote upon release.


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