
뉴스 클립

'지속적이고, 엄청나고, 명예를 훼손합니다': 볼티모어 카운티 관리들과 주민들이 감사원 개정안에 대해 위원회 의장을 비판

조앤 앙트완 전무이사는 최근 감찰관의 수사권을 축소하려는 노력에 반대 의사를 밝혔습니다.

이 기사 원래 나타났다 in the Baltimore Sunon January 10, 2023 and was written by Lia Russell.  

Joanne Antoine, the executive director of Common Cause Maryland and a member of the Blue Ribbon Commission, said Jones’ amendments were a “slap in the face” to everyone who had worked on the commission.

“These amendments are disrespectful, not only to myself and others who served on the commission but to the taxpayers who invested in our work,” she said. “The last-minute weakening amendments being proposed by Council Chair Jones not only undermine the purpose of the office, but shield the bad actors seeking to use county resources for their own interests.”

“If he refuses [to withdraw his bill], we urge the County Council to reject the amendments put before them and support the effort to create a truly independent OIG with the resources it needs to be effective.”

전체 기사를 읽으려면, 여기를 클릭하세요. 


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