

Artificial intelligence has the potential to super-charge election disinformation and other anti-voter tactics. We need a bold reform agenda to fight back. Common Cause is committed to pushing for AI transparency and accountability to support our democracy.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), deepfakes, and other emerging technologies pose a serious threat to our democracy and our elections that many policymakers simply are not prepared to address. In a few clicks, bad actors can create deceptive content about candidates or impersonate election officials—then spread those lies like wildfire. We need transparency and accountability from social media platforms, news organizations, and Artificial Intelligence companies themselves to make sure our democracy does not fall victim to a deluge of AI-powered disinformation.

귀하의 재정 지원은 우리가 다음과 같은 영향을 미치는 데 도움이 됩니다. 권력에 대한 책임을 묻는다 민주주의를 강화합니다.



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