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Common Cause Maryland Congratulates Keshia Morris Desir for her Appointment to Montgomery County Commission on Redistricting

The Montgomery County Council has named members of the County’s Commission on Redistricting, including Keshia Morris Desir, Census and Mass Incarceration Project Manager at Common Cause.

The Montgomery County Council has named members of the County’s Commission on Redistricting.

케시아 모리스 데지르, Census and Mass Incarceration Project Manager at Common Cause, was one of the 11 members selected by the Council. She is a resident of Montgomery County and unaffiliated with any political party.

“Redistricting happens only once a decade, so the district lines drawn this year will shape Montgomery County elections for the next ten years,” said Common Cause Maryland 대표이사 Joanne Antoine. “We are delighted that Keshia will be part of our local redistricting process. She has helped lead the nationwide effort to promote accuracy and completeness in the 2020 Census – and that is the data the Redistricting Commission will use to draw new districts. We have worked closely with her, during the past few years, to ensure that Maryland’s Census count includes members of communities that are traditionally ‘hard to count.’ We know her personal commitment to fair representation, and her work to uplift groups who are traditionally underrepresented. We know she will serve the people of Montgomery County well, as a member of this Commission.”

The Commission will submit its plan for new Council districts by November 15, 2021.


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