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Grassroots Groups Launch Campaign to Support Question A for the Baltimore County Citizens’ Election Fund

Charter Amendment would lay the groundwork for small donor public financing of County elections

Baltimore County  –  On Wednesday night a crowd of supporters and community leaders came together on Zoom to launch the campaign to support Question A, a Baltimore County Charter Amendment to establish the Citizens’ Election Fund and Commission. 

With costs to run for office in Baltimore County rapidly increasing and growing public concern over big money in politics, Question A will amend the Baltimore County Charter and enable the County Council to establish the Baltimore Citizens’ Election Fund, a small donor campaign finance system for County Executive and Council races.

“이 프로그램은 특히 젊고 소외된 집단에 속하는 지역 사회 지도자들에게 진정한 풀뿌리 캠페인을 운영할 수 있는 능력을 제공할 것입니다.”라고 설명했습니다. Samay Kindra, 투표 위원회 위원장. “시민 선거 기금은 지역 사회에 선거에서 더 큰 목소리를 낼 수 있는 기회를 제공할 것입니다. 이는 지금 그 어느 때보다 우리에게 필요한 것입니다.” 

With a Citizens’ Election Fund program, candidates who 로비스트, 기업 또는 정치활동위원회(PAC)로부터 거액의 수표를 받지 않는 등 더 엄격한 윤리 및 투명성 규칙을 준수하면 볼티모어 카운티 주민으로부터 받은 소액 기부에 대해 제한된 금액의 추가 기금을 받을 자격을 갖출 수 있습니다. 

Supporters of Question A came together to celebrate the Charter Amendment and launch a voter education and mobilization campaign for the election.

Watch the Zoom recording at https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/u1GoNhLXmBzUcEx2m5Pqe27jsLP93mm7zfDciRtFDJkFDWqgppnO6TmJdsqb5_x7.4jSwNS-PBXDMJZ3Z

“When campaigns are dominated by large and corporate donors, we all lose. Question A is about ensuring Baltimore County voters have a voice in local government regardless of how much money they have, and that’s a good thing메릴랜드 PIRG 이사인 에밀리 스카의 말입니다.


In recent years the cost to run for Baltimore County Council has dramatically increased, and candidates for County Executive have consistently raised or spent in the muli-millions. According to a forthcoming report from Common Cause Maryland Center, in 2018, four candidates for County Executive raised over $1 million dollars for their campaign. The winning candidate for County Executive raised $2,216,067.29.


“시민 선거 기금은 공직에 출마할 수 있는 기회를 확대할 수 있으므로 더 많은 여성과 유색인종이 카운티 위원회와 카운티 행정 책임자 경쟁에 참여할 수 있습니다.” Common Cause Maryland의 대표이사인 조앤 앙트완이 설명했습니다. “If we want a more representative government, Question A is something you should get behind.”


공정한 선거 기금에 대한 헌장 개정안은 카운티 행정 책임자인 조니 올셰프스키 주니어가 주도했습니다. With less than a month before Election Day, the coalition, which is supported by local, state, and national organizations and volunteers, says they are working to reach voters wherever they can, safely: talking to community groups online, hosting Zoom happy hours and house parties, and pounding the pavement with educational information via social media, texts, phones, and letter writing.


“As a grassroots group, we know that local issues matter, and we know that local voices matter. In Baltimore County, Question A will allow for more participation in our elections,” said Rianna Lloyd, the Baltimore Community Organizer with Jews United for Justice. “That’s why Jews United for Justice is encouraging voters to vote their whole ballot, from the bottom to the top, and vote yes for Question A.”

“To solve big problems, we need leadership that’s reflective of our communities,” explained Jennifer Mendes Dwyer, Progressive Maryland deputy executive director. “Question A will enable more everyday county residents with good ideas and a call to public service to run for office without connections to big-dollar contributors.” 

For more information about Question A  and the campaign, visit https://www.baltimorecountyfairelections.org/


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 The grassroots campaign in support of Question A for the Baltimore County Citizen Election Fund has been endorsed by local, state and national organizations Including Clean Water Action, Common Cause Maryland,  Democracy Initiative, Food and Water Action Fund, Get Money Out Maryland, Greater Baltimore Sierra Club, Jews United for Justice, League of Women Voters of Baltimore County, Maryland PIRG Progressive Maryland, Represent Maryland.

권한: A에 대한 예! 볼티모어 카운티 시민 선거 기금, Zachary Kovach, 재무


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