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Maryland Senate Updates and Funds Gubernatorial Public Financing Program

In a strong bipartisan vote (39-6), the Maryland State Senate has approved a bill to update and fund the state's small donor public financing program for gubernatorial candidates. Maryland’s current public financing system for the gubernatorial race was implemented in the 1970s.

Advocates say update will help reduce role of wealthy and corporate donors in 2022 election

Annapolis – In a strong bipartisan vote (39-6), the Maryland State Senate has approved a bill to update and fund the state’s small donor public financing program for gubernatorial candidates. Senate Bill 415 is sponsored by Chairman Paul Pinsky and is cross-filed in the House of Delegates by Del. Jessica Feldmark (HB424).

Maryland’s current public financing system for the gubernatorial race was implemented in the 1970s. While only contributions up to $250 from individuals count towards seed money and are matched, individuals and non-individuals are able to make contributions up to $6,000, which is far greater than most Marylanders can afford. Under the current system, participating candidates can also accept money from businesses or corporations. 

2020년 메릴랜드 PIRG 재단은 보고서를 발표했습니다. found that the people and entities that donate to Maryland’s Gubernatorial campaigns are not reflective of Marylanders who are eligible to vote in these elections

“For too long Maryland gubernatorial elections have been dominated by large and corporate donors,” explained Maryland PIRG Director Emily Scarr. “But thanks to SB415, things could be different in 2022. Candidates can spend time building support in communities instead of chasing big checks from wealthy donors and special interests.”

In 2014, after authorization from the state, Montgomery County became the first community in the state to establish a small donor public financing system for local elections. Since, Howard County, Washington D.C., Prince George’s County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Anne Arundel County have established similar programs or are considering doing so. In Baltimore City, Baltimore County, and Howard County voters approved of the fund through amendments to the City and County charters. 몽고메리 카운티는 2018년에 이 시스템을 사용하여 처음으로 선거를 실시했고, 만족스러운 결과를 보였습니다. 

“Small donor public financing for governor can expand opportunities to run for office so candidates who don’t have access to wealth or big donors, so more women and people of color can run competitive races for Governor” explained Common Cause Maryland 대표이사 Joanne Antoine. “We are thrilled that the Maryland Senate is pushing to help build a more reflective and representative government.”

The  existing gubernatorial public financing program was successfully utilized by Gov. Larry Hogan in his first run for office and has been used by other Republican and Democratic candidates. The bill updates the program to more strictly limit large and corporate donations; shifts the program to a tiered match; and ensures minimum funding for the program.

“$150 이하의 기부금을 늘리면 Fair Elections 프로그램은 소액 기부자를 메릴랜드 주지사 선거의 중심에 두어 선거 자금의 공정성을 높이고 메릴랜드 주민들이 결과에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 기회를 늘릴 것입니다.”라고 설명했습니다. Rev. Kobi Little,  Maryland NAACP Vice President and Political Action Chairman.

In order to participate in the updates small donor program for Governor, candidates have to file a notice of intent to make use of the fund, establish a new campaign account, and meet a few conditions:

  • 그들은 $250 이하의 개인 기부금만 수락해야 합니다.
  • 그들은 대규모 기부자, 정치활동활동위원회(PAC), 기업, 다른 후보자 및 정당의 기부금을 거부해야 합니다. 
  • 그들은 공직에 대한 추구가 실행 가능하다는 것을 입증하기 위해 최소한의 지역 기부자 수와 모금 금액 기준을 충족해야 합니다.
  • 후보자가 이러한 조건에 동의하고 이를 충족할 경우, 메릴랜드 주민들이 기부한 소액에 대한 제한된 지원금을 받을 자격을 얻습니다.



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