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If you are a member of the media, please contact Joanne Antoine at Jantoine@commoncause.org or 443.906.0442, Morgan Drayton at mdrayton@commoncause.org or 410.245.3532, or Dera Silvestre at dsilvestre@commoncause.org or 617.807.4032.

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Common Cause Maryland Congratulates Keshia Morris Desir for her Appointment to Montgomery County Commission on Redistricting

The Montgomery County Council has named members of the County’s Commission on Redistricting, including Keshia Morris Desir, Census and Mass Incarceration Project Manager at Common Cause.

Governor Hogan Announces “Citizens Redistricting Commission”

“Marylanders deserve fair representation. We should be a leader on this issue, but the Maryland General Assembly failed to take action last session on bipartisan redistricting reform even as we prepared to draw new lines the following year. While we continue to urge the legislature to support legislation being introduced this session, we support the steps taken today. We look forward to working with Governor Hogan and the General Assembly to ensure the redistricting process is accessible, transparent, and centers input from the community.”

Marylanders for Open Government call on House and Senate Leadership to ensure this legislative session’s ‘process is fully transparent and accountable’

The Marylanders for Open Government (MDOG) coalition and partner organizations sent a letter to General Assembly leaders outlining concerns with the reopening guidelines provided by each chamber and the overall ability of Maryland’s Legislature to ensure public access as they convene remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Common Cause Maryland calls for immediate resignation of Congressman Andy Harris

In the wake of Wednesday’s insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, Common Cause Maryland is calling for Congressman Andy Harris to immediately resign after he voted to overturn the will of the people, failed to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election, and played a clear role in spreading disinformation around the election, leading to the violence.

Money & Influence 11.4.2020

Grassroots Groups Celebrate Passage of Question A for the Baltimore County Citizens’ Election Fund

“The Citizens’ Election Fund can expand opportunities to run for office, so more women and people of color can compete for County Council and County Executive races,” explained Common Cause Maryland executive director Joanne Antoine. “We are thrilled that voters have supported Question A to help build a more reflective and representative government.”

Voting & Elections 11.4.2020

Statewide Voting Rights Coalition Urges Patience as Ballots are Counted

The state-wide coalition Everyone Votes Maryland has been working tirelessly throughout the 2020 congressional 7th District Special Election, Primary, and now General Election to ensure that every Marylander knows their rights when it comes to voting and ensuring a fair and safe election process.

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