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Voting & Elections 10.26.2023

Baltimore Banner political notes: Filling GA vacancies; Senate leadership changes; PAC fined

A new poll shows that Marylanders would prefer special elections instead, potentially boosting a long-running but unsuccessful effort to change the vacancy process.

Voting & Elections 10.11.2023

Md. Senate president vows state legislative vacancy changes

Will Common Cause Maryland's latest call for changes to the way state legislative vacancies are filled make an impact this session?

Voting & Elections 10.11.2023

PG CTV News: October 10, 2023

Prince George's Community Television segment on Common Cause Maryland and Maryland PIRG's renewed call for legislative action to require special elections to fill vacancies in the legislature.

Voting & Elections 10.11.2023

The Daily Record: Organizations call for special elections to fill Maryland General Assembly openings

“Letting another session pass with no action continues to diminish the voice of the voters.”

Voting & Elections 10.11.2023

Maryland Matters: Political Notes: Strong public support for special elections to fill vacancies, U.S. Senate campaign updates, siblings disavow RFK Jr.’s politics

"The General Assembly can’t continue to allow a handful of individuals to speak on behalf of thousands of voters."

Money & Influence 07.27.2023

Who paid lobbyists a total of $48.8 million to influence Maryland lawmaking, and what did they get?

“I’m shocked every time I see how much money is being spent."

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