

Common Cause Maryland works on the state and local level to defend and strengthen American democracy.

What We're Doing

MD Public Campaign Financing


MD Public Campaign Financing

In Maryland, we're working to reduce the influence of special interests. Citizen funded elections empower Marylanders to rebuild their democracy and open doors for diverse candidates to run for office
Maryland Voting Rights Act (MDVRA)


Maryland Voting Rights Act (MDVRA)

A state-level Voting Rights Act ensures that all voters are able to cast meaningful ballots and participate free and fairly in the state’s democratic process - particularly Black, Indigenous, and other voters of color who have historically been denied equal opportunity and access.
MD Election Protection

National Campaign

MD Election Protection

Our votes are our voice in determining the future of our communities and country. We mobilize volunteers to assist voters throughout Maryland as they navigate the voting process.

Featured Issues

Campaign Finance

Campaign Finance

We are building a strong democracy with commonsense solutions that put everyday Americans before big money donors.
Election Protection

Election Protection

Every eligible voter deserves a say in the policies that impact their daily lives. That is why Common Cause mobilizes volunteers nationwide to help voters cast their ballot.
Government Transparency

Government Transparency

A government that is of, by, and for the people should not operate behind closed doors. We deliver meaningful transparency reforms because honesty and accountability are key to a healthy democracy.
Rights Restoration

Rights Restoration

Common Cause is pushing back against laws that disenfranchise and dis-empower millions of Americans every year.

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