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Who paid lobbyists a total of $48.8 million to influence Maryland lawmaking, and what did they get?

“I’m shocked every time I see how much money is being spent."

This article originally appeared in the Baltimore Sun on July 27, 2023 and was written by Sam Janesch.  

Below is Common Cause Maryland executive director Joanne Antoine’s quote on the $48.8 million spent on lobbying between the final months of 2022 and the end of this year’s General Assembly session.

“I’m shocked every time I see how much money is being spent,” said Joanne Antoine, executive director of Common Cause Maryland. The nonprofit group does its own lobbying for “good government” bills, like those that expand ethics laws or transparency around money in politics.

Antoine said the disclosures can help the public “connect the dots” on how both major institutions and grassroots advocates affect legislation.

“Unfortunately, this is where they have the advantage over organizations like ours,” Antoine said. “They do have a lot more influence and a lot more access than we do, and it’s because of the amount of money they have.”

To read the full article, click here. 


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