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Md. Senate president vows state legislative vacancy changes

Will Common Cause Maryland's latest call for changes to the way state legislative vacancies are filled make an impact this session?

This article originally appeared in MoCo360 on October 10, 2023 and was written by Louis Peck.  

Below is a description of Common Cause Maryland and Maryland PIRG’s recent polling on the process by which state legislative vacancies are filled.

A day after Ferguson’s comments, Common Cause Maryland Tuesday released a poll showing that 85 percent of Maryland voters favor holding special elections to fill legislative vacancies. The survey found that only 13 percent support continuing the status quo, under which the local party committee of the legislator who had previously occupied the vacant seat selects the replacement.

The poll of 818 Maryland registered voters, conducted last month for Common Cause by Annapolis-based Gonzales Media & Research Services, has an error margin of 3.5 percentage points.

To read the full article, click here. 


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