Resource Library

Unlocking Fair Maps: The Keys to Independent Redistricting


Unlocking Fair Maps: The Keys to Independent Redistricting

This report delves into the considerations advocates and policymakers face when proposing an independent redistricting commission, and it describes and assesses the common elements of contemporary commissions. Every IRC should be set up to best serve the needs of your state or locality because there is no one-size-fits-all model for an independent commission.
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Track My Ballot

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Track My Ballot

This election year, we're encouraging voters to check the status of their absentee ballot. It only takes a couple of minutes – click on your state below to get started.

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Voting Tool

Find My Polling Place

Democracy works best when we all do our civic duty and vote. Pick your state from this list to find out where you need to go to cast your ballot.

Stronger Together: Native Americans’ Fight for Fair Redistricting

Oregon Report

Stronger Together: Native Americans’ Fight for Fair Redistricting

An analysis by Common Cause Oregon, Tribal Democracy Project, and the National Congress of American Indians investigates the impact of this redistricting cycle on American Indian/Alaska Native communities & Tribal Nations across the country.

For the People: A Roadmap for Community-Centered Independent Redistricting in Los Angeles


For the People: A Roadmap for Community-Centered Independent Redistricting in Los Angeles

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Anderson Amicus Brief

Legal Filing

Anderson Amicus Brief

Common Cause filed our brief before the Supreme Court urging them to disqualify Donald Trump under the 14th Amendment.

Power Shift: How People Can Take on the NRA Report


Power Shift: How People Can Take on the NRA Report

Fixing our gun violence problem will require fixing our democracy — but together, ordinary people can take on the gun lobby and win.