
Justice & Democracy

The mass criminalization and incarceration of people of color dis-empowers millions of people, undermining the promise of a democracy that works for everyone. Common Cause is fighting back.

The United States’ system of mass incarceration—which disproportionately targets Black and brown people—threatens the core values of our democracy. Common Cause joined the fight to end this harmful system because of our longstanding commitments to holding power accountable, defending and strengthening voting and civil rights, and ensuring that our voices (not those of monied interests) matter most in our country.

Through our Justice & Democracy Initiative, we work on issues like prison gerrymandering, or the counting of incarcerated people as residents of the prison rather than their home districts, as well as felony disenfranchisement and the political spending of incarceration-adjacent entities.

Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.


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Letter of Support from National Voting in Prison Coalition on HB 627 & HB 1022

Pay to Play: Bail Bond Industry (2017)

Maryland ranks third among the states for campaign donations by the bail bond industry. Research found high rates of campaign contributions from the bail bond industry to influential Maryland officials.



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